Steering very heavy

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Club Guest
Dec 7, 2004
Was driving my E30 back from cushion shop in Kepong just now (drivers seat looks real nice now :yes: ) and the steering was extremely heavy when turning at full lock (for tight turn).... seems to be for both left and right..... Checked tires.... pressure seems ok..... I'm guessing my steering rack is nearly gone.... check fluid level - OK. Its been leaking some fluid, though very slowly for some time now..... I'm guessing its about to give up its ghost.... is this the case?I'm guessing its the rack..... what do you guys think?Also need ideas as to possible fixes.... rebuild? chop shop rack?Dang it.... was looking forward to some good driving days with newly wrapped seat..... dang it .... dang it .... dang it!!Hijackers please help.... snif snif
fluid leak possiblities

1. pressure leak in main hoses, less pressure, more force needed to turn steering
2. opening in system will allow foreign stuff to come in i.e air, water, other fluids - when this fluids meet PS internal bushings it will resist, thus more force to turn
3. over time, foreign material will deteriote your internals , i.e. makan the gears ,makan the rubbers, etc,etc,
4. leak in system will make the pump work harder, thus the accelerated wear and tear of the internal pump
5. or maybe all this huha caused by you not changing your belts , as belts slipped will cause low pressure in pump, and thus higher force to turn at higher force i.e full lock

6. your pump is gone, your rack is gone, and so is your car...........
I had the same problem and did a general overhaul changing all parts, ie filter bottle, hoses, repair kid and the problem is the same spend so much on it so frustrated and even leaks. should have bought a 2nd hand unit and was told cheap. lazy to talk to the guy who repair it as seems nothing will be done and we waste our time again.
Similar problem with my old ride. Since I changed the rack and pump a couple of months ago, I ruled out the rack. My mech did a full check on the hoses and the fault was caused by the failure of the hose directly connected to the fluid cannister.

Through time, the internals of the hose tends to shrink , therefore less pressure.
teejay, rezz, jeff.... thanks guys, appreciated!

Now that I'm sufficiently alarmed I shall ponder my options..... all of which appear wallet flattening to some extent.

One last question, is the car ok to drive? I mean I'll need to drive it to the workshop (optimum and M1 kayu ara are close enough).

Rezz/jeff since you guys went through the heartache, was it possible to still drive it?

Cheers guys :yes:
Don't worry Jips, the steering still functioning. the only thing it is not assisted already, that why it is heavy.

Keep me inform dude. I'm also thinking of upgrading to E36 rack but don't know the advantage other than less turn from lock to lock position. Sifus...
u can try replacing the Power Steering fluid first... Dirty fluid can cause heavy steering as well..
safe to drive.....yes, I did it before with Plotong many moons ago.

suggest a check of hoses, and change of oil first-loh.....air?

if a change needed....E36 rack conversion-lah.....ask the sifus for the custom bit thingy....

dun fret......that's a wear n tear item bro!
Originally posted by Jules@Jul 6 2006, 10:09 AM
if a change needed....E36 rack conversion-lah.....ask the sifus for the custom bit thingy....
Sifus... pls help us here. tq.
Fabes, Jules.... yeah that would be something I will be looking into.

Strider dude..... did some research a while back when rack started leaking.... master puss advised price will be well over 1000+ mark .... maybe 1500 or more even depending on what is new and what is used. Do you still want to explore this?

Keeping my options open at this time.... includes driving my E30 as is i.e. without power assistance...... particularly since my E30 is no longer my daily driver :) .... got a ricer for that now.

On that note.... Ive read in US/UK some drivers have deleted power assist as a mod.... what are member's thoughts on this other than the obvious "3 point turns will be a b.itch"...

(my thanks to strider, teejay, jules, rezzy who've come out of the woodwork to assist.... mucho appreciated dudes!)
Rezz/jeff since you guys went through the heartache, was it possible to still drive it?

I have been driving it with no problem only a bit heavy at sharp turns thats all and the stupid leak. the frustrating is had spend on all new spares if not wrong above 1k and still the same old story.
Originally posted by rezzy3181@Jul 6 2006, 01:24 AM
Rezz/jeff since you guys went through the heartache, was it possible to still drive it?

I have been driving it with no problem only a bit heavy at sharp turns thats all and the stupid leak. the frustrating is had spend on all new spares if not wrong above 1k and still the same old story.
Damn!!! Above 1k?! Shite.... but rezz, its not suddenly going to give way or something would it?
Is there anyway to make the goddamn e30 power steering system bullet seems that nearly everyone's e30 got some problem with the power steering.....mine drinks about 1 bottle every 1.5 months
Yap had the same prob on my e36 coupe, checked noticed my pressure hose and steering rack need to be replaced, changed a new set of preassure hose and managed to source a second hand steering rack frm SG.
sorry, was busy in the temple of e30 offering prayers..

yup, if the rack is gone, then do a e36 conversion..

jip, i believe that that your atf filter is clog, change it first with new fluid, wont cost you an arm or a leg..

ah.... master puss is here.... atf filter clog..... I'll do anything if its cost efficient :)

Drove the car yesterday after work..... holy mackerooonies.... heavy is an understatement..... it was ok on the move.....'quarter' turns were also ok.... but 'half' to 'full' turns' were an absolute b-i-a-t-c-h.... I'd say a biatch and a half....

Is driving without power assist a potential performance mod? NO. The fact that you are unsure of how the lack of assist will do IN a corner makes you a bit tentative..... and you cant feel your way through a corner coz you are fighting with the wheel.... nope.... this is not the way to drive.... maybe if i did this everyday.... maybe... but was it driveable? yes.... just dont park ok.... find valet parking and tip the dude.... or go early and to allow for extra parking time LOL!

Puss ....oh sri mahaguru of e30s.... please do enligthen us (at least me and strider) on the path to E36 rack nirvana.....

pssst...pssst.... anyone know where to get an good e36 rack for cheap? or is that an oxymoron?
Originally posted by jeffreyewe@Jul 6 2006, 02:05 AM
Similar problem with my old ride. Since I changed the rack and pump a couple of months ago, I ruled out the rack. My mech did a full check on the hoses and the fault was caused by the failure of the hose directly connected to the fluid cannister.

Through time, the internals of the hose tends to shrink , therefore less pressure.
jeff??? a bit puzzled by your comment.. As far as I know, minor shrinkage of the
the inner diameter of the hose will NOT reduce the hydraulic pressure!!

It will however reduce the flow of the oil. However, drastic reduction
in the inner diameter of the hydraulic hose will reduce the flow and
eventuall reduced the pressure.
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