ST Coilovers for E36?

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Club Guest
Jul 2, 2009
I'm thinking of getting a set of ST Coilovers for my 320... tried searching the forum but have no idea where could I find these... any bros out there have any idea where about I could get a set?
kelvinjb;526754 said:
Hi Bro,

I have another pair but Brand is ARC.

Interested call : 012 7840726

Thanks for the offer.

I'm looking at STv1 because it's manufacture by KW, and amongst all, I'm considering between Blisten PSS9 / KWv1 and STv1... ST being the cheapest to go and I won't really need dampening adjustment... :)

Cheapest I've found for STv1 in SG, is SGD1650 w/o installation, but since I drive back home to KL once in a while, am wondering if I can find similar offer in m'sia...
What's ST if you don't mind me asking.

You can try Hotbits if you want. RM4k+ for hi/lo,soft/hard and it's serviceable locally in KL.
actually arc is quite good, was very impressed actually..seen it first hand on my friend's e36 318iS manual, it was superb around the bends with it....but once konged, he sent the rear to HWL to revalve, they came back quite stiff...
tombstone;526902 said:
actually arc is quite good, was very impressed actually..seen it first hand on my friend's e36 318iS manual, it was superb around the bends with it....but once konged, he sent the rear to HWL to revalve, they came back quite stiff...

Arc, have any webbie?
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