Squeaky Sound

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Jul 9, 2007
Dear All,Have anyone of you encountered squeaky sound coming from your front passenger and driver seat in your F10 while driving? I sent my car to one of the BMW service center and they told me this problem is in all F10 cars. Is that true?Cheers
Not sure whether it is the same problem but my F10 had the ‘squeaky’ sound and it was traced to the door and dashboard panelling in the car. AB took the car in and was told that they removed the panelling to lubricate the unexposed side. Now the sound is gone. Perhaps try pressing the panelling and hear whether the squeaky sound comes from it (that was how they discovered it for my car).
Depends on what you mean by squeakng. I had rattling sounds from my front passenger headrest when I go over uneven surfaces. Tinkered with it for a bit and realised that when the headrest is put to the furthest back position it rattles because the seat shakes when on bad roads. But when I move the headrest a few notches forward the rattles go away. If your squeaking is actually rattles and it comes from the headrest, maybe you can try moving the headrest forward.
Why BMW has all this squeaking sound......? Could not believe it. Still this is my third BM
I heard rattling sound from the driver's side sunvisor area when travel on uneven roads. Does anyone have the same experience?
I was told my experienced window tint installer that the tint film will caused the cracking sound too and he advised to not have the tint all the way till the edge thus give a small 5mm gap to avoid the sound
Hi guys, I also face the same problem, but I went and bought some "rubber softener" oil or you can use those tyre shine oil to wipe at the rubber areas of the car (i.e. the passengers door, window rubbers...etc.)

My E60 previously also had this problem, but I uses the rubber softener or the tyre shine oil to wipe it.

This actually fixes the problem for me for the squeaky sound, as for the rattling sound, it's either the seat belt not place properly or the rubber issues,

I solved mine, hope it helps for ya'll.
i have flapping sound , till i change windscreen recently found out its MPSJ coupon drop into soo deep beyond our reach or eye but its there .
my front passenger seat rattles (not because of the seat belt), driver window vibrates, steering has a sand pouring sound occasionally when turning and there's a creak in the glove compartment. oh and the soft touch rubber dash has all sorts of indentation which i failed to notice upon delivery. all in a 3 month old f10 528. just sent into service again for the 3rd time today to fix the niggles.
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