South American Gang On The Prowl in Subang Jaya

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..unfortunately, yes..its happen somewhere on the way to Bangi, where i was going to attend wedding ceremony( i was invited), I did follow my GPS and got wrong junction near shell station so i came back, to inform myself at shell station about correct direction, based on my GPS just when I step out of my vehicle, noticed 2 guys unusually fast approaching me, while literally no any devices belong to gas station were around me (no air compressor or fuel pump, i parked on side), good thing about driving soft top down is that you can pull out anything from vehicle in no time, what i did, and beat up one of that guys very very bad, another one managed to escape (hit him once partially only)..police came , i had to go to station, write some reports, they took away my baseball bat, I had to pay 500 RM for 'disturbance' (wtf is that, i was defending myself), and of course, missed wedding ceremony..soon after that, i have got new baseball bat, and im seriously willing to use it again..i hope no such things will happen again..i was not proud or happy about what i did, but i had to do what I had to..and i see no shame to do it again, instead of been robbed by waiting 'Serve & Protect' to do something..especially for foreigners, their support is plain joke..
Sorry to hear about your bad experience with the PDRM..agreed some of them are complete a**holes & racist ..

Personally I have a bokken (Japanese wooden sword) in my cars..& I wouldn't hesitate to use it if need be..

Had a personal experience on the old Kajang - Seremban trunk road..bugger came at me with dagger about 6 inches long, tried to stab me few times but successfully used my dad's car door as a shield to deflect his attack,unfortunately had no weapon on hand at that time & with my ex-gf in the car to boot!! Anyway he couldn't get his attack through so he suggested we settle at the side of the road (he actually used his car to block the traffic in the middle of the road), once he drove off to the side, I drove off...that's why nowadays I must have something in my car within easy reach..

Cheers :)
Ecc0;649977 said: not sure about that (firearms) but i guess waiting for such thing is a no way to go, so instead, I do have one juicy and delicious baseball bat, just next to my seat inside vehicle, allll the time...last year, proven to work just fine ..

I have one of those collapsable steel batons in my door side pocket. And it did its job once also. But somehow a baseball bat is more mengancam.
gregcwho;650509 said:
Sorry to hear about your bad experience with the PDRM..agreed some of them are complete a**holes & racist ..

Personally I have a bokken (Japanese wooden sword) in my cars..& I wouldn't hesitate to use it if need be..

Had a personal experience on the old Kajang - Seremban trunk road..bugger came at me with dagger about 6 inches long, tried to stab me few times but successfully used my dad's car door as a shield to deflect his attack,unfortunately had no weapon on hand at that time & with my ex-gf in the car to boot!! Anyway he couldn't get his attack through so he suggested we settle at the side of the road (he actually used his car to block the traffic in the middle of the road), once he drove off to the side, I drove off...that's why nowadays I must have something in my car within easy reach..

Cheers :)

Gosh! You didn't tell us that one, Capt. Greg! What a horrible situation to be in-being stabbed at with a 6 inches dagger! OK...besides keeping a good, bright torchlight and a slime mobilty kit in our cars, I guess we all have to keep something more-menacing too! The world's gone Mad Max wild and we have to defend ourselves and ex-girlfriends too!
Eggie86;650520 said:
Wow, such scary experiences Greg.

Road bullies nowadays. Damn them.

.... Thts really bad bro, a guy coming at you with a dagger 6 inches long is No Road Bully I must say !!!!! :(
dzuljazz2001;650564 said:
.... Thts really bad bro, a guy coming at you with a dagger 6 inches long is No Road Bully I must say !!!!! :(

Wat u keep in car to defend yourself and loved-ones, dzul?
Eggie86;650520 said:
Wow, such scary experiences Greg.

Road bullies nowadays. Damn them.

This happened when I was still about 20 years old..ancient history :)...

docrayboy;650526 said:
Gosh! You didn't tell us that one, Capt. Greg! What a horrible situation to be in-being stabbed at with a 6 inches dagger! OK...besides keeping a good, bright torchlight and a slime mobilty kit in our cars, I guess we all have to keep something more-menacing too! The world's gone Mad Max wild and we have to defend ourselves and ex-girlfriends too!

Well..happened long time ago & I like to think positive so no point bringing it up until Ecco shared his experience. Sometimes it's a matter of gut feel & acting pre-emptively that saves your skin. If Ecco were to be more passive & let nature takes it's course during that encounter I sincerely think he would have been worse off..& I doubt that the same cops who 'attended' to him would be sympathetic..

dzuljazz2001;650564 said:
.... Thts really bad bro, a guy coming at you with a dagger 6 inches long is No Road Bully I must say !!!!! :(

Nope I must say he's no road bully..think if I didn't have presence of mind then I wouldn't be here..thank God!!

Cheers :)
docrayboy;650621 said:
Where to buy, bro?

I think if you go any Sichuan restaurant & offer to take off the leftover super hot peppery stock from their famed boiled fish in pepper sauce which can numb your tongue eating it, can have more than 1 liter..he he he.:4:

Cheers :)
gregcwho;650630 said:
I think if you go any Sichuan restaurant & offer to take off the leftover super hot peppery stock from their famed boiled fish in pepper sauce which can numb your tongue eating it, can have more than 1 liter..he he he.:4:

Cheers :)

Very clever, Capt!
Not to say I do carry a weapon, but does my steering lock count? :p

Got a broken emergency triangle in my boot too.

Maybe can use them as nun-chucks? :24:
gregcwho;650630 said:
I think if you go any Sichuan restaurant & offer to take off the leftover super hot peppery stock from their famed boiled fish in pepper sauce which can numb your tongue eating it, can have more than 1 liter..he he he.:4:

Cheers :)

IanDaddy;648203 said:
These gangs are hired by opposition to create trouble , so people will get the bad impression of the present day government.

I figured the idiots were only trolling around alternative media sites like The Malaysian Insider and such but I didn't realize some are present here in the club as well.
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