Single disc player

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Club Guest
Jan 18, 2006
Guys + gals,Need advice to a real basic unit (the cheaper the better). Don't really listen to music while driving but need something to fill the hole in dash (E36). Would prefer to get an ori blaupunkt system but they are hard to find and also when you do find one - it's usually banged up...Since all speakers still intact. Criteria as provided below. 1) Budget 500-650 (max)??? Possible????2) Must be amber display / illumination to match a/cond/ dashboard panel (very important)3) Blends in well with black dash. Black would do the trick without those fancy trims/lights etc...Any suggestions????Cheers...!
Resident ICE maestros, you are wanted. Calling Van, affan.... :D but becareful, these guys might racun you big time. Luckily I have been able to resist them....
plonk in a pioneer or a kenwood la ... i think u can get it from brothers ... get a MP3/WMA its usely better with those functions
:D i'm not a ICE expert but i'm also going to get something in that range too.
For ur budget, hard to find a brand new killer HU in the market. But all is not lost, If u'r not that particular on 2nd hand product, someone is selling in mycarhifi forum.

Model: Clarion DXZ556MP

Quite new used for only 3mths came with my new car... selling it at RM400
Comes with Manual, Remote and Carrying Case

Download pdf file for more information:

But to match the E36 facia, I guess Hu to the old skool design would be more of a match. Check out the Eclipse design or Kenwood.

Hope this help.
Passing batton to other racuners :nyehehe:
look for a used MB100.... hehhehe...
old skool design, 6cd in dash single din changer, 24bits with external digital analog converter...

:) :)

oni problem is you need to run that with an amplifier cos it doesnt have one built in....
Dear Ah Lian is rite - nothing comes close to matching the looks of the E36 dash than the older Naka HUs - MB 100 and MB 75 are superb units but .... once they break down, you better say your prayer. Parts are really hard to come by and very few people can actually handle these babies. I have a spoilt MB100 - built in changer's roller broke and finally got a quote for parts and labour for RM 800.00 in SIN. M'sian shops wanted much more than that so decided to keep them as display unit at home. My current Eclipse unit does everything better than Naka but in terms of natural music reproduction, very few digital decks could come close the ol analogue stuff from the likes of Denon, Naka and McIntosh.

But seriously, you cud also look at the newer CD300 or CD400 from Naka plus some Alpine units which allow you to customise the panel and button illumination to amber. Otherwise, you're looking at very little options.

Yoke, those earlier generation DXZ decks from Clarion are quite inconsistent - wud stick to the newer ones if I was in Godflesh's position. Again, budget and personal preference will rule the day.

P/S - a pic of my ol MB 100 in action.


Yoke, those earlier generation DXZ decks from Clarion are quite inconsistent - wud stick to the newer ones if I was in Godflesh's position. Again, budget and personal preference will rule the day.

Yeah I know, suggested that due to the budget.
But, IMHO he should seriously look at the Eclipse 8061 :D guarantee will bring :yahoo: and selling at RM1.5k at the moment (not sure whether got stock lagi). Some more fascia all black and a bit old skool (but naka would be best suited la).
ahhhh.... my dear van, i had no idea you were such a fan of the mb100 tooooo!!! :yahoo: you have great tastes!!

mine has been taken out of the car and back in the box.
what do you think its worth if i were to sell it?? or shud i mount it onto a case and hook it up to play at home.... since i dun think i am gonna reinstall it for the next 2 years... :dunno:

p.s. you can try extreme audio... the new distributor. i got my lcd display parts from them... they ordered in for me and it din cost an arm and a leg.
Ah Lian dearie,

It was my first hi-end deck - loved the sound quality though it came almost bare-bone ( no EQ / TA / x-overs ) and quite picky about the kinda discs it wanted to play. But the quality of stuff that went into the deck and it's 24-bit DACs were just superb.

I saw one or two MB100s put up for sale on local ICE forums a while back ... going for about RM 550.00-650.00 depending on condition. Hardly the true value of that deck if you ask me. So yeah, perhaps I shud get mine fixed and use it at home. Gotta do a conversion to run it off the main AC/power supply instead of 12V power.

Now, a personal question - were you a regular then on the old M'sian IASCA forum under another nick ? I'm sensing some similarities between you and someone else from that forum who also owned a MB100. PM me la and we'll talk further ...

P/S - Yoke, I think there's a lot of other decks that he can look at around the RM1.5K range from Eclipse, Pioneer and etc. The 8061 is a great SQ deck but in terms of real value for money, IMHO it does not do too well being a bare-bone deck when it's other less known siblings like the CD8053 and CD8454/8443 were better all rounders. The copper chassis and ability to run 16V balanced signal are good but in many ways, it was an over-rated deck compared to similar products from other makes. Just my 2 cents of thoughts ... no offence, yeah!


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