Should I buy a Z4?

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Club Guest
Sep 27, 2008
I am a newbie in this forum. I decided a while back that I am not getting any younger (now in forties ;-) ) and now is the time to go for a sports car / roadster. Been a Merc person for the last 8 years and would like to try the UDM.I came across a Z4 3.0 2007/08 model 12K on the clock and for sale at 385K. I have no clue if this is a good deal so would appreciate any feedback and comments. Any problems that I should look out for in this model/year?Again, I am quite ignorant with UDM and esp Z4 so any valued inputs if most appreciated.NetMaestro
Sound like a mid-life crisis to me... LOL

You will like the Z4.
No comment on the price.

I am a roadster lover.
Others model I will llook at: S2000, Audi TT, Mazda Miata, and a Lotus Elise.
For the price, have you consider a Lotus Elise ? ;)

Cheers. (Giving you more crisis) :D
More choices ....

I wont look good sitting in a Elise; am a large person so need a somewhat larger-sized car.

NetMaestro;360147 said:
am a large person so need a somewhat larger-sized car.

Lotus Europal S might surprise you.
Anyway, Z4 3.0 is still a good choice.
Bro, BMW Z4 3.0 is a great sport car, and I think that the one you look for is a pre-own unit, right~? 385K is reasonable price for one year old car, new car price at 468K for BMW Z4 3.0i, so have you test drive the car~?
turbology;360144 said:
Sound like a mid-life crisis to me... LOL

You will like the Z4.
No comment on the price.

I am a roadster lover.
Others model I will llook at: S2000, Audi TT, Mazda Miata, and a Lotus Elise.
For the price, have you consider a Lotus Elise ? ;)

Cheers. (Giving you more crisis) :D

turbology;360153 said:
Lotus Europal S might surprise you.
Anyway, Z4 3.0 is still a good choice.

hey bro, are you a salesman for Lotus/Proton cars???

This is the BMW Club Forum whose main purpose is to share our passion and experience for anything and everything related to BMW.

'nuff said!
The new price for the Z4 3.0si is RM519K. So 385K (negotiable I believe) is a reasonable deal for a year old car but was frankly surprised at the depreciation in one-year. Guess it being a roadster and 3.0 at that, it is to be expected.

I have test drove the car, and like it (esp its my first roadster experience ever).

Still strugglling to decide esp with the financial turmoil in the world today. One side of me says wait for this madness to play out; cash is king.

I am a Car enthusiast. Not just a BMW fan.
I think outside of a box. Every car has its Pro & Cons, including BMW.
I am here to share passion, knowledge, and experience about cars.
Depend on situation, a MyVi can be better than any BMW cars. :)

I agree. Global economy is getting very worrisome.
But I think Malaysia will do just fine, if you don't put Politic into consideration. LOL
Look at it this way; you are not getting any younger. Buy it, if financially permissible

turbology;360301 said:
I am a Car enthusiast. Not just a BMW fan.
I think outside of a box. Every car has its Pro & Cons, including BMW.
I am here to share passion, knowledge, and experience about cars.
Depend on situation, a MyVi can be better than any BMW cars. :)


ok bro. as you are a car enthusiast covering cars of all make and the purpose of this thread is to help netmaestro make his decision, how about sharing your honest opinion about the pro's n con's of the lotus europal as compared to the z4. maybe you can also add in the myvi as well. i'm curious to find out under what circumstances its better than the BMW. thanks, bro.
hey NetMestro... you're right about cash being king at the moment.
If you can afford the 380+k for the Z4 and not have any financial tie ups, go for it. You only live once. If you're not very satisfied later, you can always sell the car at a lost. If you enjoy the car and find it of great use go sign on the dotted line. If there is any doubt in your mind about this purchase, I would urge you to hold back.
Owning a car such as the Z4 here is not cheap and easy. Have to factor in depreciation cost, insurance, maintanence etc.

Good luck and happy motoring.
NetMaestro;360254 said:
The new price for the Z4 3.0si is RM519K. So 385K (negotiable I believe) is a reasonable deal for a year old car but was frankly surprised at the depreciation in one-year. Guess it being a roadster and 3.0 at that, it is to be expected.

I have test drove the car, and like it (esp its my first roadster experience ever).

Still strugglling to decide esp with the financial turmoil in the world today. One side of me says wait for this madness to play out; cash is king.


bro, there will always be ups and downs. today we fear financial turmoil, next year we fear personal on and so forth. in short, there will always be issues but there will always be ways to get around those issues. Not enough business? Have to be more aggressive. it is during lean times that the company's mettle and maturity is truly tested. survival of the fitest.

true, cash is i guess you must have other plans for the cash or you could try waiting 2-3 years down the road once things get more settled and the price of a Z4 will probably be halved by then or there would be other more interesting models to choose from after that.

how many times have we bought the latest handphone only to find a better model at the same price 3 months later. same goes for other electrical items. how many times have we regretted not buying something and having sleepless nights after that?

its a hard decision to make but only you can make the right decision. either way, it will be the right decision.

my personal opinion, its during hard times, that we need to market ourselves even more to be in the lead rather than down-sizing. if you need to show off abit, why not? if not now? when?

i'm getting my upgrade tomorrow. i'm upgrading from an e36 to an e46. it may not be a Z4 or an M3 but i ain't waiting till i'm 50++ to drive my dream car. i am the master of my own destiny!
Thanks for the great advice guys. More or less, the philosophy in the last entry summarizes my feelings. Go for it, there is never a perfect time. So, .....

I just went ahead and did it. I will soon be driving home a Z4 3.0si once the formalities are completed. Rather excited about it at the moment and cant wait to lay my hands on it again.

Hope with this deal being concluded, I will get to TT with you guys the next time.

BTW, Selamat Hari Raya to all here.
Happy holidays and safe driving!


P.S. One of these days, I will tell you how this "adventure" started. Blame Astro ...
That was the right decision.

Got my pre-owned Z4 3.0SI Coupe in July08 from AB Glenmarie. Paid RM380K for it when it was 3 months old with less than 5k on the clock. Have been enjoying it and everytime you drive it on the road, there is a special thrilling feeling knowing that as soon as you step on it, it can almost fly. What is the number plate WRC 12x?

See you at one of the TTs soon.
Hi, the Reg no. is WQY xxxx, 12K onthe clock and registered in Feb. Got it from Ingress at lower price than yours, given it is older.

Managed to negotoate a much lower price than the initial quote :) Otherwise, I would have felt bad after hearing about the deal you got...

NetMaestro;361029 said:
Managed to negotoate a much lower price than the initial quote :) Otherwise, I would have felt bad after hearing about the deal you got...


congratulations on the purchase. pls list your car in the Z registry thread & join the gang for the drives & TTs :top:
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