Police Escort

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Club Guest
Apr 9, 2009
Around 2 days back, I was driving from Damansara Toll to Subang Toll, saw police escort on motorbikes/cars. Quite a number of them around 7, 8 bikes/cars. The thing that I want to hilite was the way the 'push' our cars around. From the 3 lanes, they forced the car to the slowest lane ... this was done quite abruptly where all the fast/middle lanes cars have to squeeze themselves in between lorries & slow cars. Saw 1 2 cars with smoke coming out from their tyres indicating that they were forced to apply emergency brake due to this. A lorry almost hit a taxi in this process too.Saw one E60 with itchy backside who tried to go back to middle lane but got 'scolding' from the policeman.And the funny part, the convoy was nowhere in sight. They only came in later ... I think easily half km away from the escort. Imagine if accident happen due to this.
buzzlie;519881 said:
Around 2 days back, I was driving from Damansara Toll to Subang Toll, saw police escort on motorbikes/cars. Quite a number of them around 7, 8 bikes/cars. The thing that I want to hilite was the way the 'push' our cars around. From the 3 lanes, they forced the car to the slowest lane ... this was done quite abruptly where all the fast/middle lanes cars have to squeeze themselves in between lorries & slow cars. Saw 1 2 cars with smoke coming out from their tyres indicating that they were forced to apply emergency brake due to this. A lorry almost hit a taxi in this process too.

Saw one E60 with itchy backside who tried to go back to middle lane but got 'scolding' from the policeman.

And the funny part, the convoy was nowhere in sight. They only came in later ... I think easily half km away from the escort. Imagine if accident happen due to this.

Our police force making good use of their time and the taxpayer's money.

becarefull, they got many reasons to shooooot you..also see behind properly b4 reverse ;)
not the first time lor...in kl always got pi po pi po pi po...tepi tepi tepi...knock knock kick kick your door...tepi tepi tepi...rude basta**s...basically no respect for the other people on the roads...
king82;519930 said:
not the first time lor...in kl always got pi po pi po pi po...tepi tepi tepi...knock knock kick kick your door...tepi tepi tepi...rude basta**s...basically no respect for the other people on the roads...

Poor thing man. Always get to see and 'hear' the police convoys on an almost daily basis along Jln Tun Razak. Probably those US embassy dudes? Or the Sultan travelling. Most of the time it's a brownish Bentley Conti...
sometimes even got volvo XC90 escort as well...it's just...they could be a bit more respectful to the other users of the road...and the VIP or VVIPS always choose the peak hours to do their travelling...can't they have some time-management??? or is it in their mind "jam? what jam? i got foxes to clear the road for me..."
king82;519930 said:
not the first time lor...in kl always got pi po pi po pi po...tepi tepi tepi...knock knock kick kick your door...tepi tepi tepi...rude basta**s...basically no respect for the other people on the roads...

I know this is normal but this is the first time I see 3 lanes they took 2 lanes. Summore the escort is far ahead.

Too bad that I was too busy braking and missed their plate numbers. But if not mistaken I noticed CCC something...
buzzlie;519881 said:
Around 2 days back, I was driving from Damansara Toll to Subang Toll, saw police escort on motorbikes/cars. Quite a number of them around 7, 8 bikes/cars. The thing that I want to hilite was the way the 'push' our cars around. From the 3 lanes, they forced the car to the slowest lane ... this was done quite abruptly where all the fast/middle lanes cars have to squeeze themselves in between lorries & slow cars. Saw 1 2 cars with smoke coming out from their tyres indicating that they were forced to apply emergency brake due to this. A lorry almost hit a taxi in this process too.

Saw one E60 with itchy backside who tried to go back to middle lane but got 'scolding' from the policeman.

And the funny part, the convoy was nowhere in sight. They only came in later ... I think easily half km away from the escort. Imagine if accident happen due to this.

It depends on the importance of the people they are guarding. For higher level local people and important foreign leaders, they use extreme measures. Sometimes, on a two lane highway, they expect us to move on the emergency lanes and stop completely. But after they pass, we can follow them from a safe distance. They normally cruise around 150 km/h and create a clear path ahead:top:
I dont mind the special treatment that they want to offer to those VVIPs. But at the expense of others ... that is too much. The way they handled it was very dangerous and if anything happen to the E60, I bet the driver will be super furious.
Most of the time also, small time politicians also using police escort service. I don't mind those VVVIPs using police escort service, but MBs and YBs? They better sit in the jam to understand the hardship that ppl are going through.

If the police escorts are being rude to us, how to command respect from us? I especially hate (it's a strong word) to be shoved aside, when there's no space beside me for me to go in.. will they be responsible if I cause an accident? I don't think so.
A diplomat was nailed by the Spore goverment lately for wreckless driving and hurting some pedestrians, despite claiming "immunity" as a diplomat ... he's on arrest warrant now but fleed back to his country and protected by his gov!!
I saw this accident, this driver was blocked by an outrider & applied emergency brakes on Jln Tun Razak near the US embassy, ended up getting slammed at the back by another car & a pileup was formed. It was a rainy day. Question: Would you have braked or slammed that fler blocking your path?
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