Sound advice from terry8 and anaksarawak ... Ideally go for Camry. But if he is a driver that enjoys long drive and appreciate the car dynamics and don't mind the maintenance bill (anywhere between 4 to 8k yearly) then BMW is the answer.
- Cooling system ... Radiator, expansion tank, coolant hose especially around the engine block, thermostats and also the clutch fan ...
- Bushings - Front and rear control arm bushings, axle bushings, drive shaft bushings and etc. If its really worn then you have to change it and it can cost quite a bit since bushings is everywhere in a bmw car.
- Electronics - This can be anything from from loose wiring up to electronic steering lock (E60) ... Best way is to plug it up with a diagnostic tools
- Gearbox - Again plug itup with diagnostic tools and scan for errors ... Some bmw's haven't had an oil change for the gbox since coming off from the production line.
- Engine- check for oil residue and run your finger around the valve cover to see got oil or not. Check for noises
- Check for squeaking sound as you get in and get off from the car .... Squeaks from undercarriage could mean that your absorber bushings koyak or blown absorber. Also check the front control arm for worn balljoints.
The easiest way bro ... Take the car to a trustworthy bmw mechanic and ask them to check for you and have the car scan for error codes also do a pressure test on the cooling system. Also ask for the service history documentation like receipts and etc.
Good luck in your hunt.
- - - Updated - - -
Sound advice from terry8 and anaksarawak ... Ideally go for Camry. But if he is a driver that enjoys long drive and appreciate the car dynamics and don't mind the maintenance bill (anywhere between 4 to 8k yearly) then BMW is the answer.
- Cooling system ... Radiator, expansion tank, coolant hose especially around the engine block, thermostats and also the clutch fan ...
- Bushings - Front and rear control arm bushings, axle bushings, drive shaft bushings and etc
- Electronics - This can be anything from from i-drive system up to electronic steering lock (E60) ... Best way is to plug it up with a diagnostic tools
- Gearbox - Again plug itup with diagnostic tools and scan for errors ... Some bmw's haven't had an oil change for the gbox since coming off from the production line.
- Engine- check for oil residue and run your finger around the valve cover to see got oil or not. Check for noises
- Check for squeaking sound as you get in and get off from the car .... Squeaks from undercarriage could mean that your absorber bushings koyak or blown absorber.
The easiest way bro ... Take the car to a trustworthy bmw mechanic and ask them to check for you and have the car scan for error codes also do a pressure test on the cooling system. Also ask for the service history documentation like receipts and etc.
Good luck in your hunt.