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JDY! U in luck!! :p

Nissan Pulsar NX belt diagram!

Its a huge diagram! :D



Hmmn... by the look at it, aircond compressor has nothing to do with alternator, its a separated belt. U running 3 belts!

Good luck!
thanks loads for the diagram..I immediately printed this and went out to see if i can match the diagram to the actual parts in the car. And this got me confused. From the looks of it, it seems that there are two belts missing. Altenator as well as Aircond Belt. but i only found one broken belt...unless i was looking at it wrongly...i took some pictures but it was already dark, and the pics are off my cheap phone. Tmr ill speak to the mech (planning to tell him to just replace the altenator belt, ill show him the diagram)... Anyway here are the pics i took. I doubt anyone is gonna be able to make out which is are to blur..

This is where the missing belts should go. Top is altenator pulley, bottom A/c compressor. Am I right ?


These are a few other pics.




I'm hoping that once fitting in the altenator belt, give it a jump start and hopefully all is fine.

Another question tho, if I dont run the compressor should i remove the A/C fuse as well ? :eek:

Thanks guys..I have to say no other forum offered this much feedback and help!:top:
Forget about the diagram, it does not apply to your engine..
The main pulley runs only 2 belts

And looks like the aircon compressor and the alternator runs on the same belt...

1 possible solution is to run a shorter belt for the alternator only but better to check properly.. Difficult for us to assess from the pic..

Power steering + water pump + crank pulley = 1 belt.

Alternator + aircond compressor + crank pulley = 1 belt.

Use your hand to spin both the alternator and aircond compressor pulley to feel the resistance. Which ever jammed, you should be able to tell immediately and that would have dragged the belt, causes smoke and snapped the belt.

If I were u, I would hope the aircond still work because replacing alternator is cheaper. But since you have no problem to run the car without aircond, get the mech to remove the aircond compressor (if sudah jammed la!), and use a shorter belt. Without removing the aircond compressor, no room for the shorter belt to avoid the aircond pulley. Next thing is I hope which is used are tensioner? Aircond pulley or alternator? Without the tensioner, its impossible to tighten the belt..
Altenator is spinning fine, Aircond compressor is the one jammed. And yes i have no problem no need A/C.. Regarding the tensioneri;m not sure how to check this?. Tmr morning will ask the mech.
Update: Managed to find the right size belt for non a/c sr20 engine. Got it fixed and now everything is back to normal. Minus the aircond of course. Planning to source a second hand compressor when I'm back in Malaysia. I didnt have to dismount the Compressor btw. Managed to bypass with no trouble. Just wanted to say thanks for the help here. esp Fabian and Astroboy. TT on me when im back end of the year!
Hey! I want to ride in your JDY, lovely E30 I see daily in my neighborhood.. :love: :top:
Hey guys, so its been a year since this car gave me any issues. I guess its about time something goes wrong. Need some advice from the sifus here. This is what happened. Two days ago the car couldnt start (suddenly). All electronics i.e lights radio and all that are working fine. But car is not even cranking. So i just left it for a few hours. After that i tried starting it again(after3hours) it started fine. And it was working fine yesterday as well. Last night same thing happened. Car just suddenly couldnt start but all electronics are working. So i pushed started it, it started but after about 300 meters, engine just died. So i parked it a side and came back for it after a few hours. It started! So this is what ive figured out, its not the battery i think, definitely not related to the altenator. Could be possibly a faulty starter? Or something else?.. Another concern is my battery terminals are slightly corroded, could it be that? The thing with aussie land is, if i can diagnose this myself, fixing it would be ten times cheaper. Now i cant use my car to deliver pizza tonight! Any ideas Of what might have gone wrong guys? Appreciate your help!!
Fyi, as seen in the first post. Im driving a 1992 nissan nx, with an sr20 engine. :)
2 problems:

1) can't CRANK when engine is hot..
- Possible starter problem (carbon brushes lost contact when hot). or ignition key barrel contact issue. or could be other issues. (have to do elimination test to cancel out possible issue, start with the starter)

2) engine started but died down after awhile...
- this one need more diagnosis but shudn't be related to the starter issue.
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