Newbie and UDM Virgin

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Club Guest
Jan 26, 2013
Hello everybody. I'm a newbie here and hopefully soon to be proud owner of a 3 series f30. It will be my first UDM. I've been trawling the forum the last few weeks and find the input super useful and conversation interesting as well.I hope to contribute to the forum in the coming days especially when I get my coveted ride. Also I would appreciate to get guidance in my purchase and ownership from all the sifus here :cool:
Welcome. There's plenty of information and controversy in our F30 section. Knock yourself out :biggrin:
Welcome bro Ari23. Hope you enjoy reading the forum. FYI, the price for F30 has gone up slightly.
Welcome bro....make urself at home....join us as an bro fadhlan....ynwa
Welcome bro, lots of info here for you to decide or not to decide to have a UDM...hehehe. welcome again.
Tq to everybody for the welcome note.
Yes i have noticed the slight increase in the 2013 f30 price. For your info I will be purchasing the vehicle under the REP programme, ie no excise duty and sales tax. So in that regard i will still be ok.
As to purchasing or not purchasing, the UDM bug has got me too during my test drive (similar to all of you), so i suppose there's no turning back....he he.
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