New Auto Bavaria Branch Kota Kinabalu Sabah

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i just saw on that sime darby is selling the land rovers at reduced prices now surprisingly....i distinctly remember the LR3 costs 500k initially now its gone down by 100k plus to 382k....anyone have any info on why this is so? Though it is too bad they didnt bring in the 3.6l tdv8 for the RRS now that would be something and yeah finally AB to SABAH its about time!
Shama - Ya we can sell oradi...Too bad no sales for me yet, it's not like buying sayur in market right? haha so most of the ppl i approach wish to see and test drive the car 1st...At the mean time build rapport 1st lor, maybe u have some referral? =)...Abt the offer, as far as i know that BMW credit is offering a very low interest for selected models, only 2.68% if buyer getting loan from us.

jskf01 - For test drive by the time u come back i think u have at least 5 selections from our Demo car...So make ur pick! =)
At the moment, we have 320 & 525 Sports Demo car... Branch Manager is working on the Sabah price list so we'll have to wait for the Approval by BMW M'sia...

tombstonecannotpost - Hehe, Yeah finally! wanna get one?!
oh u can start selling oredi ah even without the showroom?so u using the ford and landy showroom first is it?
is it opening already? still a little bit of touching up to do i reckon....
Hhii, everyone~!!!...i haven't log in for quite some time...=)

Yeah finally we are gonna open soon, so excited when i pass by during the weekends...:wink:

Hopefully u guys can dropby next week to pay me a visit ya and i'll make u nice coffee at our showroom cafe.

Well, i have u guys update soon....cheers
yes yee san,

i definitely would pay u a visit and look at your brand new showroom. Those demo cars still around for test drive?
hi Shama, looking forward to see you at our showroom...We've got the 325 sports Facelifted 3 series, really cool car =)
i believe that u've seen the showroom when passing by the kolombong highway..

Pls do come to Auto Bavaria and look for me this Sunday as we are open for public to do test drive ya =)
Make sure look for Yee San ok?!
Hi Yee San, are u guys bringing in any demo car for the mini... in particular the mini S?? might see u this sunday...
hi yee san glad to know the opening went family couldnt go for it unfortunately but yeah i heard it was good. If you got any pics do show us and also can u list what cars u have ready for testing? Thanks.

PS- do u service the landrover showroom as well or just the bmw?
drove there on sunday noon... gate was closed and guard said not open... :( saw lots of 3 series at the back.. and i think the red e60 in the showroom is a M5.... :)
jaliumer : We do not have any demo car for Mini at the mean time becoz we are only a BMW showroom. But if u are interested with the Mini Cooper S, i surely can assist u on that as well...Jst mention my name Yee San when u dropby lar, =)...
BTW, we are open half day on Sat and closed on Sunday....

jskf01 : we do not service Land Rover lar, pls visit ford showroom(prev land rover showrom). Look for Subhan
just an update.. the red car is a M3... very sweet...
yee san, drop by 2day but saw that u were busy.. so didn't disturb u... was layan by travis... too bad u guys not bringing any demo mini over but still can order from u guys lah... according to travis for recon car need to be register 1st before can do any service and they strictly won't touch on software...
ISit? u were here? alaaarrr,i din know was you...2 big man kan >.< lol jangan marah ya...should have mention my name mar, so next time u must sebut my name k so my manager can pass to me bah.... hehe

Yeah that's an M3, cukup makan lor...nice kan the car
ya lor... the 2 bouncer... :) saw u were very busy so din't wan to disturb lor... anyway nice setup u guys got going there... can go yam cha there.. :D
jaliumer: haha ya can come yum cha here bah....

jskf01: Yeah, they are selling Land Rover and Ford... Wei, u balik2 ask me abt land rover why ooo....Ask me abt BMW bah, hahahhaha....i thought now is holiday in Australia, most of my friends coming back soon, so do bring ur family to see look lar..

PROMOTION FOR YEAR END 1.38% INTEREST RATE ONLY for new and pre-reg units!!!! =)
Come come come...hehehe
Yee San, is the auto Bavaria selling accessories as well?? I still have not visit the place yet but will be interested soon to visit you guys over there. Do they carried out service for CBU car?
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