my ride

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Originally posted by MTek1318@Jun 22 2005, 04:03 PM
Well you can start with the bodykits, can try our famous bawah pokok Theva for fibre type, should cost around RM1k (get our Three28's to take you there and help to bargain). Next is painting.. the cost for this relative to what kind of quality you wanna go for, I'm sure you know what to expect.
The rims.. replicas will cost about RM1.6k. And finally the exhaust.. i undestand from another forummer that there are replicas that looks like ACS but without the ACS marque but havent really find out the price yet.
This is only on exterior looks similar to Gilera's.
Cheers :D
TQ sifu MTek

Very informative.. :D :D
Car very very nice ...

But .. there is a small gap between the tires and the fenders ...
Hmmmm ..... :p
Car very very nice ...

But .. there is a small gap between the tires and the fenders ...
Hmmmm ..... :p
Bro Gilera

No worries mate ..admire your dedication to your dream AC babe ;) :D :D
Bro Gil,
nice ride .. looks perfecto too me hehe .. ;) is that @ ol' klang road eh?

heheh its dolphine grey.... still the same colour when my father bought it in tokyo....eheheheh...btw what is the special nut huh?

ur father bought this car in Tokyo & ship back here? wah.. :blink:

Bro MTek1318,
The rims.. replicas will cost about RM1.6k.
.. eerr.. any idea where I can get it @ that price.. itchy to change my rims lah :)
Originally posted by aRRrgghh@Jun 23 2005, 05:12 PM
Bro MTek1318,
The rims.. replicas will cost about RM1.6k.
.. eerr.. any idea where I can get it @ that price.. itchy to change my rims lah :)
some tyre shop in sunway called Hup Shun or something like that.... apparently near Daichi :D
Originally posted by 535i@Jun 23 2005, 01:50 PM
Car very very nice ...

But .. there is a small gap between the tires and the fenders ...
Hmmmm ..... :p
got problem with my rear camber... thinking of getting an adjustable one.... anyone knows where 2 get one here in msia?? :dunno:
Originally posted by aRRrgghh@Jun 23 2005, 05:12 PM
Bro Gil,
nice ride .. looks perfecto too me hehe .. ;) is that @ ol' klang road eh?

heheh its dolphine grey....  still the same colour when my father bought it in tokyo....eheheheh...btw what is the special nut huh? 

ur father bought this car in Tokyo & ship back here? wah.. :blink:

Bro MTek1318,
The rims.. replicas will cost about RM1.6k.
.. eerr.. any idea where I can get it @ that price.. itchy to change my rims lah :)
not klang road looo.. near batu caves one.... yurp brought back from tokyo when i was lil... hehe all jap spec... eh where 2 get udm plate holder for the back???
Do PM tyke cause i think he still has one more just nice for ur car... :D
Originally posted by willie@Jun 21 2005, 12:37 PM
what do u mean by the special bolt??? special nuts for the rim??
Yes.... special bolts for the rims...

bmw use bolt right ??? :D :D :D
Originally posted by nikazwaa@Jun 26 2005, 08:47 PM
not show off... it's called motivation.. haha.. sorry.. just had to menyibuk
hehehehe i know maa... hehehe btw nice car u got there bro..... :eek:k:
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