My Recent Ebay Expereince

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Dec 9, 2004
I recently successfully bid for the following items in Ebay(UK):- BMW E46 COUPE 325Ci & 330Ci COLOUR BROCHURE 2004 USAsee BMW E46 COUPE BROCHURE 1999 323Ci,328Ci +SUPPLEMENTsee Both items were from the same seller and I paid a combined postage of 9pounds++ for Royal Air Mail 1st Class. It has been 1 month since the seller posted the item(evidenced by a Certificate of Posting) but I havent received it. I had checked with the post office but was informed that w/o a tracking number, they cant check. This is the second time this year that my Ebay package has gone missing. Luckily the seller was kind enough to refund my payment. Nevertheless I am upset with the non delivery. Could it be Post Malaysia? Have you guys experienced such issues with your ebay purchases. Thanks.
bro, from my experience, I lost my parcel from US delivered to malaysia too, its some branded shirts, twice in fact, if u ask me, i 100% say its OUR PEOPLE here, i guess u know who i mean
hmm.. i've bought hundredes of stuff from the states.. USPS UPS FEDEX DHL ...all no problem:) from cheap stuff like clothes to PRS guitars it's never been an issue..i must say our pos malaysia fellas are great too. they track the stuff down real fast with or without numbers.
If your barang sangkut by post..then it'll normally be in the AirAsia pos malaysia there(there the Kastam fellas(AND THAT"S A DIFFERENT STORY)a-holes) or if it made it past there then should be near where you live(like the pos distributor in Subang near LAmborghini) you can call 1300300300 and ask for your local pos ofit number
no problem with Pos malaysia.
Once a seller had a problem with US Mail service.
But then, the US Mail service agree to send the item (Part of a bumper) to me without extra charge. (A bit oversized)
I got myself a free US Mail Karung Guni !!!!
Try ask Pos Malaysia.
But then again you already got a refund so ...
Recently I bought a water distributor from Ebay ... Its been 2 month ...
But it is only USD17 + USD15 for the Western Union +USD20 for shipping ...
I am trying to get the seller to respond.
Things happen!
Yeah, me too. So far, i'm not facing any shipping problems with Pos Malaysia. All my Ebay package arrived safely to my house. Our Pos Malaysia is quite good though in term of handling the parcel. I've been spending quite a lot at Ebay ranging from small items like keychain to branded shirts and all that stuff came from various country like UK, States and even Italy. All arrived safely, no problems at all. So, thumbs up to Pos Malaysia. :top:
While not specifically ebay-related, I've had mail to/from the US and UK "disappear" before. I've also received correspondence in official looking envelopes that were blatantly ripped open and rummaged through. It's a well known phenomenon, imagine how much potential "supplementary income" is in those missing envelopes and packages, not even to mention the amount that are simply misplaced.

I think certain factors, as well as luck, can affect how likely post is to go missing, but won't go into it here. Suffice to say I now use FedEx for anything important, and for the rest, registered mail at the minimum.
most of the time, my goods arrive. sometimes if lucky, it doesn't get stopped by customs. i guess thats the risk of buying online, however most of the time i try to find a seller with +ve feedback. what to do....risk management a bit.. :D
i wonder if can buy spouse online, then return after a free trial session if you don't like them. :D might be a good biz model....
never lost anything through pos msia.. maybe it's worthwhile to spend the extra bucks to get registered service..
Dear Sifu, question, please enlighten. New to ebay. tried to purchase a rim stricker from ebay a while ago, followed the given instruction till payment where I've no idea what's paypal is all about. So don care and just key in the credit card number and proceed. Screen displayed payment paid on Dec 1st. Then notice I can check payment status through paypal but can't log in. So, is the transaction through??
I bought a few BMW parts from eBay US and UK before, but all of them send to my friend who went there for work a few months, then ask them to bring back to me. Most of the items reach my friends studio/hotel in a week time, just one or two case missing or arrive late or minor damaged.

I prefer to use paypal than my credit card. Just open an account in with your detail, then key in your credit card there just to provide them the detail and verify your house address. Then you can try to get some fund into your paypal account from You will found that you can get cheapper exchange rate compare to you using credit card exchange rate.

Happy and enjoy shopping online from your desk/home, you might get addicted in bidding on eBay auction side. For my experience, I spend USD600++ in 1 weeks on eBay just to get some rare parts from US/UK at a cheaper price. I even cannot sleep or wake up at the middle of my sleep due to time difference, their day is our nite, just to bid and win the auction.
hotfoo36;377480 said:
Happy and enjoy shopping online from your desk/home, you might get addicted in bidding on eBay auction side. For my experience, I spend USD600++ in 1 weeks on eBay just to get some rare parts from US/UK at a cheaper price. I even cannot sleep or wake up at the middle of my sleep due to time difference, their day is our nite, just to bid and win the auction.

Ahahaha...same here bro. Been there, done :10:

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