My decent ride

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Club Guest
Dec 17, 2006
here are 2 pics taken today, in da morning and at nite... kinda blur coz i am using my hp camera =) comments are welcomed, but pls dont expect much coz it's just plain shots
Wait till i find the time and get a few shots using a propert digital camera. We should all be proud of our rides right? hope to see more members posting their rides, so we can share ideas and comments.


Some poison for u:-

1) Minimum 17" rims
2) Lowered suspension
3) Mtech or AC bodykit
4) White/red rear light
5) Maybe new colour:D

Sure u will more proud of it. Not too mention wear & tear oso.
Bro InitialM,

Wah your poison really kau kau one :p but of coz all racun are welcomed, haha.
Maybe I might consider getting a new pair of white front indicator lights. The last time I asked a shop, he quoted me RM140 for a new pair original. If amber color one (original) would be RM120 per pair. Rear white/red light...mana cari original with good quality and of coz cheap price ah? I had 1 pair from previous owner (DEPO brand) but the problem is..masuk air on the right hand unit ler...that's why I changed back to original one.

U take out all the rubber seal and put back with silicone sure tak masuk air:D
;) ok will try to use some silicone sealant to repair the DEPO unit when I have time. Then fix back to see if air masuk again or not. But from what I know, if non-original tail lamp, they are not as bright as original, how true?

Actually how does M-tech bodykit or AC bodykit looks like for e36? u got pics for me to refer ah?
initialM;221191 said:
My car fitted wt Mtech kit PM me yr email and I'll send u pic:)

Bro initialM....tunjuk kat sini lee gambo..boleh tengok ramai2...:)

oh, are those the same pics u r gonna send to me? if yes then no need to send to my email coz i have seen them b4 under your thread "my udm" :)

if those are m-tech bodykit, then i prefer the original rear bumper, to me it looks nicer. But your front bumper looks great + sporty.

where did u buy the armrest? how much ah? dunno why but e36 got so little space inside the car to put things :p glovebox also so small, and my car tak ada armrest pula, how how?
Nice clean ride you have there Russie...and oh might want to consider rewarding your UDM with a pair of new shoes! :D
Thanks DolceAddict. New pair of shoes? Why eh? U saw the shoes botak already from the pic? Hehe. In fact there are still plenty of rubbers on the tyres. Maybe later when I have extra $$$ then can change this and that. But now have to get used and learn more about the car 1st and upgrade/ change all the wear & tear parts
Oopps...sorry bro...i meant the bad! :D Totally agree with you that the wear and tear parts come first but better not let the mods wait too long tho! :D
Wah another racun coming from DolceAddict, haha. Some people told me my rims are post 97 models coz my car was registered in 98. But honestly, I have seen the pre 97 rims, I tend to like them better :p weird but true, haha.

Erh mods? Hmm, not now...really wanna see what needs to be changed on the wear & tear 1st, coz that is more important.

Got extra $ then everything is possible :)
Russie;221229 said:
Wah another racun coming from DolceAddict, haha. Some people told me my rims are post 97 models coz my car was registered in 98. But honestly, I have seen the pre 97 rims, I tend to like them better :p weird but true, haha.

Erh mods? Hmm, not now...really wanna see what needs to be changed on the wear & tear 1st, coz that is more important.

Got extra $ then everything is possible :)

It's long long way...russie..sabar je laa dulu..pelan-pelan kayuh!:)
Why issit that there is a "Chingay flag " flag infront of your car in the first picture
oh no lah, the flag is actually tied on the lamp post opposite my house.
Russie's New Ride





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