M3 convertible

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Actually this is what I feel when driving what you love, you feel the world is so nice that you got no problem because you enjoy what you drive.
I clean up my car also I forget anything around me and do enjoy for hours.
there are things that you decide with your heads, but there are other things where you decide with your hearts. This I think, should be decided by the heart.

You don't buy a convertible for practical reasons, and I don't see why you would want to drive a convertible around town. The best place to drive a convertible is on an open trunk road, going through kampongs. Of course the best time to do this in Malaysia is early morning or near dusk.

The car need not be fast, you just get a good feeling when the car is on the move, to enjoy the fresh air and hear all that happens around you.

Although you do attract attention when driving a convertible, that doesn't mean you are necessarily a person lacking in self confidence or an attention seeker. It can be you just like to do motoring without all the modern stuff of sound proofing, stereo, air conditioning. Probably you are someone who likes to kart and drive to Kedah without air cond so that you can hear the roar of the trumpets :p

oh 1 more thing, convertibles can be prone to lightning strikes especially in our tropical climate ehehe ZZZAAAPPPP :beaten:
so better get the hardtop, if not then go kedai potong and cut open a coupe's roof and custom make a hard top lol
What Lightning?.. Never heard of such story..

AL I do recomended the hard top option . It will be like having coupe & cabrio park under same porch.

Go for it and we can organise the East coast coastal drive from Mersing to KT. After that tell me if you 've make wrong choice or any regrets.

As for the soft top, I use the soft top protector and it repells water like polish on the tin top.
What lightning???!?!?
As far as I'm concern, my convertible brought a lot of motoring joy.
Sometimes, I drive up to Genting highlands, early sunday mornings by Hulu Yam or at night. Also, i drove my parents to Camerons vis Simpang Pulai from Penang. They loved it. My mum (67yo) had her scarf & BIG sunnies B) while my dad (73yo)wore a base ball cap to cover his bald head :D
Occationally, when I drive out of KL, I would leave real early, to avoid
1) Bad drivers
2) Speed traps
But I get fresh country air & mist,.. :lol:

Sadly, I'll be selling it off soon.... :(

Life goes on...
Originally posted by ccl68@Jan 31 2006, 08:39 PM
What lightning???!?!?
As far as I'm concern, my convertible brought a lot of motoring joy.
Sometimes, I drive up to Genting highlands, early sunday mornings by Hulu Yam or at night. Also, i drove my parents to Camerons vis Simpang Pulai from Penang. They loved it. My mum (67yo) had her scarf & BIG sunnies B) while my dad (73yo)wore a base ball cap to cover his bald head :D
Occationally, when I drive out of KL, I would leave real early, to avoid
1) Bad drivers
2) Speed traps
But I get fresh country air & mist,.. :lol:

Sadly, I'll be selling it off soon.... :(

Life goes on...
Well, I must say that I am quite surprised that many cabrio owners aren't aware how their vehicles may become a hazard during thunderstorms.

As a proud owner of a 330 CI (yr 2001) Cabriolet, I was well-informed of the risks involved in driving the vehicle under severe weather conditions, having done my homework before making the purchase.

Whether the car is stationary or not, you are still equally exposed to the danger of lightning zapping through the car as long as the there is no metal roof(hardtop) mounted above the vehicle. Having said that, when lightning strikes the vehicle, the worst case scenario would be the driver kaput together with the electronics, ie being fried. Sometimes, only a portion of the electronics will malfunction due to the surge of electricity current.

Anyway, here are some links(or evidence, lol) which all cabriolet owners should read and take note of to prevent any unwanted incidents involving themselves or their loved ones. You can also refer to the owner's handbook. I believe there is a section informing of dangers involved while driving with the soft-top.



I know that accidents involving lightning is rare(or maybe go unreported sometimes), but I believe that we should exercise safety precautions as it will be quite silly for things like these to happen. I remembered not too long ago a golfer in Johor was hit by lightning as he was wearing metal spikes on the green.

Yeah, driving with the softtop makes the cabin a tad noisier...but when it rains, you've got new rhythm music .......eheheh

Cheers!! & Gong XI Fa CAI!!!
interesting topic!! most important is menber are all very helpfull. I do gaint a lot infor,knowlage from this forum.(lightning as well :D ) :getyourfactsright:

When I decide to have it nothing across my mine to stop me. :angry:
when the first time I have it, I got some worry. :eek:
After some time, I do use to it and enjoy it!! B)

Cabrioler is realy nice to see, good to own and fun to drive!! :eek:k: never try never know!!
(important as 2nd car will be more pratical)

personal experian from just an old e30 cab owner but I belive it should be the same also for who ever own a convertible. :yes:
(next dream :lazy: hope to try on M3 cab.)
Dear all,

I think what kind of car one drives is a very personal thing and everyone has his/her own reasons for doing so.

I owned a cabriolet before when I lived in UK and it was such fun driving with the hood down in the warmer months. I didnt have a hardtop for winter and used the car all year round.

After coming back to Malaysia more than 10 years ago, always wanted one but prices being so expensive it just wasn't possible. Of cours cabriolets are not the most practical of cars and all the shortcomings have already been mentioned.

So finally, I have an E30 325i cabrio which I am using daily at present. Yes, you have to plan where to park but at work that is not a problem for me. If its not raining, I drive with the hood down in the mornings to work, evenings after work and exercise and if i go out at night.

Do people say I am a poseur or facing a mid-life crisis? To be honest I don't care what they want to think. I wish to enjoy my cars the way I want to and since I am not disturbing anyone with loud exhausts or music, I can do as I please.

The first weekend I got the car, I had to go to endau Rompin for a presentation. Took the Kuala Pilah route and drove both ways in the late evening/dusk. For those of you who haven't tried it, if you get an opportunity, do try driving at dusk along quiet trunk roads. It will give a different dimension to driving.

So, my advixe is...for those fortunate enough to be in a position to get one, go for it. I don't think you will regret it...

May I clarify and put into context my statements, as they were directed at the person who started the thread; Albundy; and if you guys know him, you'd realise that my comments about his "going through a mid life crisis", etc., are all very, very, true.

I used to drive a Merc CLK230K Cab, and I tell you, it was fab, especially whilst you were waiting for the roof to close after arriving at Zouk, and everyone's just thinking; "twat!", and you're just soaking it up! Plus, it made a great platform, sitting on the back of the car, with your feet on the rear seats, watching planes take off and land at Changi airport... Ooops, yeah, this was all in Singapore, where the buses don't spew black smoke, no one will slash your roof/mug you/etc., and where the air is much, much cleaner.

So yeah, joys of top down driving- totally! Just not in KL though, CHOKE!
Originally posted by docazani@Mar 15 2006, 03:36 PM
Dear all,

I think what kind of car one drives is a very personal thing and everyone has his/her own reasons for doing so.

I owned a cabriolet before when I lived in UK and it was such fun driving with the hood down in the warmer months. I didnt have a hardtop for winter and used the car all year round.

After coming back to Malaysia more than 10 years ago, always wanted one but prices being so expensive it just wasn't possible. Of cours cabriolets are not the most practical of cars and all the shortcomings have already been mentioned.

So finally, I have an E30 325i cabrio which I am using daily at present. Yes, you have to plan where to park but at work that is not a problem for me. If its not raining, I drive with the hood down in the mornings to work, evenings after work and exercise and if i go out at night.

Do people say I am a poseur or facing a mid-life crisis? To be honest I don't care what they want to think. I wish to enjoy my cars the way I want to and since I am not disturbing anyone with loud exhausts or music, I can do as I please.

The first weekend I got the car, I had to go to endau Rompin for a presentation. Took the Kuala Pilah route and drove both ways in the late evening/dusk. For those of you who haven't tried it, if you get an opportunity, do try driving at dusk along quiet trunk roads. It will give a different dimension to driving.

So, my advixe is...for those fortunate enough to be in a position to get one, go for it. I don't think you will regret it...

I am at your back with topless and had done it in the 80s even as far as Kuantan, johor all day long xcept rain. I do enjoy it and forget what others say. I drove to work and at that time park along the road with just tonnuex cover and was lucky no one disturb xcept office mate place notice for sale and got to answer calls. I never even think people will damage the car but not today brother. have to park at the right place.
Nothing like topless.
hi... do any one familar with E36 M3 cab. 2nd hand price?.....

last year I saw a E36 M3 cab are selling at 120k+ year 1995 dark purple in mototrader I do call and ask is true and nearly go for it,(but din't sad ..regret..:( now hard to find already) and there is some E36 cab 1996 328 asking for 120k++do anyone have idea what was the price range for a e36 M3..??

Why the price was so close!! someone told me that cab must have problem so selling at that price..
A beautiful car !

And technically harder to design and manufacture than the coupe

Issues will be

1) Of course our weather and society dont permit you to bring down the top often - anyway who opens the sunroof these days either

2) Rear seats are smaller than coupe.

3) No sunroof ... either all open or all close

4) Some concern about safety of your valuables inside your car, wind noise and maintenance of the rubber seals

Yes, wont feel as "safe" as a coupe at higher speed

but heck .... its a cruiser with a greater looking rear :)
:( :( :( seldom hear got purely cabrioler T.T, i thing thats interesting, especialy to some windy weather location.. :lol:
e46 m3 convertible is super cool , especially with the top down and you accelerate all the way to 160 !! did that on my friends ride on ldp , coming out from damansara perdana ! couple with ac tail pipe's roaring sound , not forgetting the engine roar...the feeling is exhilarating!!!
just reading an old topic... but coming from a converti myself, u cant go wrong.... each time you pass that billboard stating "Joy *something *something* BMW" (sorry cant seem to recall but somewhere near Kayu Ara), it will put a smile on ur face lagi2 with the top down... :)
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