Looking for 1989 E30 325i!

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alvin, my house can park too... hehhehe.... maybe can park inside the house too... hahhahaha
hahha my house got carpark and spiked gates and a 286lbs gaurd (my brother) and i dont sleep at night, which means the car is always watched. normally i charge but for you alvin....free
Originally posted by esterix@Sep 14 2005, 04:09 PM
Anxious, et5 - you're among the 6 I counted!

From what I know, most APs are for cars 5 years old and under. A small number are for cars over 25 years. The only way to get cars that fall in between would be through a personal AP (someone having lived overseas for more than a year or Malaysia second home program).

Skar19's suggestion of building one seems the best option given the circumstances. But then, you'll probably go over the top and end up double mortgaging the house, leasing the wife out, giving away the kids, and only settling for an e30 that look like Tom's or flies like Alvin's!

IMHO, the E30 racun is amongst the most lethal around. Caveat emptor, as anxious would say!

Ok TQ bro..easier to caveat yr ride first la..kekkekkek :D :D :p ..
parking no prob..only finding the genuine article..dont want to go down diy road ..might end up with a frankenstein with a jap heart kekkekkek.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Lots of Car park as 'new cars always kena tow away..like Tom's kekkekkek :D :D
Originally posted by ' xZ "@Sep 14 2005, 04:39 PM
if anyone know where can get do pm me lor :D

bro,no need to wait one., just buy the 318 n convert to 325.,like mine.
n pay the road tax as it 318. haha :yes: :yes:
I've seen one..and Fabian oso know about it. Ori from UK motronics 1.3 comes with OBC. You guys pm Fabian if interested....I dowan to be involve liao.. :)
Originally posted by Alvin@Sep 15 2005, 09:02 AM
Wa so many parking place ar. Ok let me park my parts first can ar?
can i got store room, my parts oso there :D
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