Dear all,Had a shock of my life this morning when suddenly my n42 went into Limp Mode with EML light popping up. Car wouldn't go pass 2k rpm, basically 'limping' as would an injured person. Backtrack, I was installing my angel eyes the night before, tapped wires accordingly and then this...Was at the mech, diagnosed and it threw up error 2862 - VVT power ....mech said "VVT or Valtronic Motor KAPUT"...:2: prepared to fork out 1k (incl labour) his machai to double and triple check all was the POS terminal (at engine bay) where I tap the Angel Eyes to, which wasn't securely tighten, it still had slight movement...tightened it and BEHOLD!...EML poof! and Car revving to go!.... Moral of story, tighten every power or ground connection..and I mean really tight, leave no allowances whatsoever..even a 1mm looseness...will throw the car electronics off. This is because even though voltage is present but resistance isn't up to par with the stored values hence throwing system off...right Bro Aidij?Just a friendly reminder all who DIY...tighten all connections... Over and out