JB Revisited - The aftermath

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Originally posted by nikazwaa@Dec 14 2005, 12:02 PM

I shall choose my words wisely.

Yes... the "engine" is stock standard. ;)

Thanks dude. Was great to see ya.
Yes... the "engine" is stock standard


Can you find the missing link to the above statement VS your question, now ? ;)

Originally posted by fabianyee@Dec 14 2005, 09:32 AM
I guess 'Say Tak Nak' campaign definitely not working here... :D
sure lah they don't smoke rokok bengkok!!! :wink:
fuyooo what a great event we had ...

would like to thank Sith for his brilliant plan ....
and the rest that made this happen ...

even with the initial Gung-ho's here and there about ppl pulling out at last minute ...ummmm what can i say more about it. Its proven !!

taking this oppurtunity to thank the JB chapter ... Vang , Vlad , bimmer36 , Rolland and the rest that keep us felling like not even wanting to go back home .....

thanks for the surprise and no words can express more about it ... THANKS guys ...

The drive back too seems to be a good one... 10 cars convoying with lotsa thrills and Stunts ....

THANKS X-1R for the extreme power..

Originally posted by fabianyee@Dec 13 2005, 08:40 PM
Pit Stop...


this place just outside my university...

gosh i miss my uni days...
waa... look like every1 posted their photos.. then i'm not gonna do that.. any1 know how to post video clips here.. i've edited it n it's a 103MB!! it's a clips a long the way to jb.. but only around 7 mins..

-G Punk-
Originally posted by fabianyee@Dec 12 2005, 04:28 PM
The fren that i brought is JONI not Jolene...

She happened to be my neighbour but working in s'pore. She enjoyed u guys' company. She was tired from her Friday nite out but still enjoyed the evening.
waa!! neighbour also u can... :nyehehe: :nyehehe: :nyehehe: , u know what i mean.. u gotta teach me this bro!! :D
yea i'm pretty sure she's ENJOY the night too..

-G Punk-
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