Interior Annoyance

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Feb 15, 2006
Hi all sifus... I've a problem, creaking sound comes from window frames... Anyone can help me ? Someone in sin ask me to go PML, a company fr sin. They will put some cream on all the rubber seals to eliminate the sound. Any shop in MAL can do it ?
just use silicone spray on the rubber. it works for me. thats what AB suggest anyway.
Hi SMG330i,
Hey nice car man, i have seen it numerious times around Pulau Tikus!

next time, gives a wave!

SMG330i said:
Hi all sifus...

I've a problem, creaking sound comes from window frames... Anyone can help me ? Someone in sin ask me to go PML, a company fr sin. They will put some cream on all the rubber seals to eliminate the sound. Any shop in MAL can do it ?
Which AB did you get this info from?

ace99 said:
just use silicone spray on the rubber. it works for me. thats what AB suggest anyway.
Daniel : No problem bro, Will give you a big big wave when pass by. Cheers!

Mouse : Thanks for the info, will be getting the stuff today and try it out. l have the same problem as leakwoon. When start raining, no more creaking sound. Must Pm him to ask is his problems still exist. Thanks.
I see.
Doesn't it leave a greasy layer?

I not familiar with him, but i did want to treat YOU CHICKEN rice but you didn't want.

But the chicken rice not fresh anymore. But not to worry, I do have some humble pie for you.

Bought Johnson's Silicon spray this afternoon for RM16, Spray BIG amount to all window and door rubbers. Conclusion, LOUDER creaking sound... DAMN!! Respray again, didn't help much. Took the car for shower, thank god.... no more creaking sound. Hopefully it's not cure by car wash... Will see tomorrow.
SMG330i said:

Bought Johnson's Silicon spray this afternoon for RM16, Spray BIG amount to all window and door rubbers. Conclusion, LOUDER creaking sound... DAMN!! Respray again, didn't help much. Took the car for shower, thank god.... no more creaking sound. Hopefully it's not cure by car wash... Will see tomorrow.

Bro SMG330i,
I 've same problem wif it, but just put the normal blue grease and wiped it off wif clean dry cloth for couple of time and walla.............enjoying my silent ride now....
Brother BP8000,

Where is the exact location that you apply the blue grease ? Any brand for the blue grease ? Thanks for your info.
It's the normal grease as the mech using, the whole rubber at chasis door and the door all round including the one like velvet rubber if so what they are call (poor me), tough to explained aiyoo....

Neway just try out your smartest way first and luck bro..
sure sounds like the wash removed the crap that you sprayed on. Probably made it more tart, thus the louder squeeks.

Ever tried some sort of light lubrication? maybe some WD40 on a cloth and rub it in alittle?

SMG330i said:

Bought Johnson's Silicon spray this afternoon for RM16, Spray BIG amount to all window and door rubbers. Conclusion, LOUDER creaking sound... DAMN!! Respray again, didn't help much. Took the car for shower, thank god.... no more creaking sound. Hopefully it's not cure by car wash... Will see tomorrow.
bro, check the above link i mention, use PBR or Toyo grease, it works for all of us (if your problem is same like us) E46 is known for this problem, only apply the top end of the rubber lining is good enough to eliminate the sound, no need to apply all the rubber along the door.
Daniel : Yup, Integra is mine too. Waste too much money on that fun car. Heard WD40 is not advisable to put on rubbers. ( some mechanics told me )

Mouse : Ok bro, will try it out, issit apply to the window frame top rubber lining? THanks for the info again. Cheers!
WD-40 is a light penetrating oil. its is not harmful to rubber, but actually is good for it as it lubricated any grit which will 'dig' into it.
What have you done to the integra? I have seen it many times too!

Are you sama gang with the other Civics? a white and yellow done up to look like JDM touring cars.
Daniel : About the integra, B18C upgrade to B20B, port polish and balanced. Jun type 3 high cams, valve, retainers, sprockets.... and so on...... i've a friend who own a 2 door yellow civic, engine done up by same mechanics ( fei lou vtec ). My engine first stage is done by links power, second stage is done by fei lou vtec.
All the gang sold out their fun cars, left few of us only.
[FONT='Verdana'']SMG330i,ffice:eek:ffice" />[/font]
[FONT='Verdana'']I had the same problem as yours some time ago.[/font]
[FONT='Verdana'']I went to mechanic in Penang and they fix some kind of “Silicon Flexible tape (transparent)” on top of the rubber lining. The tape is smooth and hard. It really eliminate the noise.[/font]
[FONT='Verdana'']It seems to be a common problem for BMW’s with rubber lining. Chrome lining doesn’t seems to have this problem as there are no friction.[/font]
[FONT='Verdana'']By the way, it cost me something like RM80 to RM90 to fix this. I am happy with the results till now.[/font]
[FONT='Verdana'']Hope this info helps.[/font]
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