Impact of fuel hike on Car Value/Car Price?

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I wouldn't be worried about cost of the cars, I would be more worried about the general increase to the cost of living..

a 40% increase in fuel costs is a large margin to increase in a single blow... to do an effective and successfull change managment it shoud have been increased in incriments...
this would cause less panic in the general population...

think of this... what is the actual percentage of profit made on general food and essential items.. most supermarkets and shops in malaysia run small profit margins and rely on bulk sales...
if you increase the transportation and delivery costs, as well as the general cost of running the buisness then those costs will increase to the consumer...
so expect that your weekly shopping bill will be increased by 40% atleast...

General example: Price of petrol in Australia June 2007 about $1.25 600ml bottle of coke $2.20 June 2008 fuel price $1.70 price of 600ml bottle of coke $3.00

a 36% increase in cost for a general item on a 36% fuel price increase. directly related...

so shopping bill for food and general items for example is RM 200.00 will now cost you RM 272.00
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