hye all, newbie here

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Club Guest
Apr 20, 2011
hye there..i'm new with bmw..working in subang, but living in b.b bangii have an e28 520i..but is still grounded until i could find a rear windscreen..does anyone know were i could get one ??the engine's in good condition,but the doors, had slowly been attacked by corrosion..hope, joining here could help me resurrect my car.. :)
hehe, btw..

# -What do you drive:
rite now a perodua kancil

# -Male / Female

# -Location:
subang ( kg melayu ) but my e28's in bangi

# -Occupation:

# -How you came about to know bmwclubmalaysia.com?:
google.. :)

# -When was it?
just now.. :p

# -What were you expecting or purpose coming to bmwclubmalaysia.com?
to revive the e28, which my dad wanted to sell it, but i won't let it happen.. :)

# -What do you expect from bmwclubmalaysia.com in the next 1-2 years?
stand srong, still alive helping out people new with the bmw

# -What are you planning to do in the next 2-3years?
maintaining my e28 maybe ??
Welcome to the forums bro.

Hope you'll be able to restore your E28 to its former glory! :top:
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