Hydrogen on your BMW?!

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i think FC wont differ much if theres no ECU.
the original Fuel Management System wont see and detect the changes.
therefore, only power will be present.
hey kgb, mind posting pics of ur set-up?
Does it really generate hydrogen? Can post a picture of the unit?

Anyway, just becareful as hydrogen is a highly combustible gas!! Remember the Zeppelin?
ALBundy;546822 said:
Does it really generate hydrogen? Can post a picture of the unit?

Anyway, just becareful as hydrogen is a highly combustible gas!! Remember the Zeppelin?

More accurately, The Hindenburg.. Great Ball of Fire.. :eek:
bundy dude....
actually on the street unitsdo generate gas called Brown Gas or more aptly called HHO.
the unit i used generates clear hydrogen coz its uniq feature.
the hydrogen generated is in too small a qty to fully explode.
those in videos are hydrogen supplied via a tank!
i bought mine here:


pls note, i am not their reseller, have no interest in their business. As a matter of fact, i told the owner, to install it on my car, only if he truly believes in his product and that it really works, because if its not, and it is all one big scam, i assured him, that i will spread the world around.

On that website, you'll be able to see what unit looks like, and some of their claims.
kayzhen911;546747 said:
i think FC wont differ much if theres no ECU.
the original Fuel Management System wont see and detect the changes.
therefore, only power will be present.
hey kgb, mind posting pics of ur set-up?

Well, i noticed that my car runs smoother.

I agree with statement above, but than again, Hydrogen unit with ECU attached will set me back few K. This one, is only RM450 and i still get a bit of extra power. Fair deal i think. .
i think that without the ECU will only confuse ur UDM more.
hence more problems will crop up.
This weekend went to Kuala Perlis. Balik Kampung.

Total distance covered around 800KM

I have good news and bad news.

Bad news is that my speedo not working well. I've noticed, that kilometers are slow to add up, sometimes it'll get stuck for couple of seconds.

However, good news, is that i managed to count KM using poles on the side of the road.

Average speed is around 120km/h. Often traveling at 140 and sometimes reaching 160-170km/h.

FC ranges between 16-18 cents.

Vehicle used: e30 318i + hydrogen unit.

Anyone cares to share their FC figures when using for long distance and driving it hard most of the way.

FC is calculated in litres/KM. what happen when fuel cost goes up..

you should give a more accurate calculation based on full tank.
agreed. BUT, this seems to be a custom in malaysia, since petrol priced don't fluctuate daily. Anyways, it is a good guide to start with.
err.. RON 95 used to be RM1.80 a few ago. Now RM1.85. A couple of months down the road, it might be more.

No it is not a practice in Malaysia.. where you get this idea?
jarance;548197 said:
err.. RON 95 used to be RM1.80 a few ago. Now RM1.85. A couple of months down the road, it might be more.

No it is not a practice in Malaysia.. where you get this idea?

Because before i came to Malaysia, i've never heard of ANYONE calculating Fuel consumption in cents. Only in Malaysia.

Okey Mr. Jarance. Just so not to confuse you any further. we are taking about petrol RON 95 priced at RM1.85

here you go. :listen:
better to refer to comsumption as L/100km cos this thread would useless as reference few years down the line cos the fuel price would have changed by then...
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