..how to reset flat tire sensor light..

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May 10, 2010
..today I was driving my coupe, nothing spectacular about drive, and suddenly flat tire indicator on dashboard appear followed by one beep sound..i thought one of my tires got perforated, so i slowed down and stop on nearest gas station..on my surprise, I couldn't see nothing wrong with tires..browsed some other forums and it seems that sometimes TPS sensor light may turn on if tire hit some pothole or uneven road surface at certain speed or something like that, so most of people say 'just reset it', but I have no idea how to do it on Z4M..any tips here ??EDIT:..ahh..got it..it has to be pressed flat tire button for about 5-7 seconds, BUT car must not be in motion, and if it was, must be stopped, turned on, and then hold button for 5-7 seconds. It doesn't work if car was just stopped after moving, without turning engine off...just a tip for someone who may experience same so it may save some time :)
My TPS once got triggered while I was having fun from Bentong to KL. I too immediately pulled over and found that my tires were all inflated and looked fine. But upon closer inspection I found that one tire had a screw embedded deep inside my thread and a bit hard to spot. Strangely though, there was no air leak from around the screw and the tire maintained pressure.
I guess the TPS triggered the moment it noticed a drop in pressure when my tires were stressed, but the moment I slowed down the tire sealed up around the screw, but the TPS has already been triggered and remains on.

For the older systems, you can reset it by just switching off your ignition and starting the car back up again. Holding down the button would disable the system actually.
For the newer systems, holding down the button would reset (or recalibrate) the system to monitor the tires at their current pressure.
The owners manual is there for a reason anyway ;)
..well..manual says to keep button down and then when indicator turns in to a yellow, drive car slowly and after roughly 200 meters, it reset and turn light off..i have checked car again, and after 8 hours since its parked, tires are all just fine..hmm
Ask a friend to move the car and rotate the tires with the steering turned to the far end while you use a good flashlight to search carefully at the threads. These wide tires stuffed tightly in ///M cars' wheel arches hide the smallest nails really easily.
..just came back from gathering with other Z folks..no warning, nothing, after i reset..it must be that 'glitch' mentioned on other forums la..
I've tried to enable TPS but failed to do so, looks like it's dead. I've asked a couple of part stockist and they claim never sold this piece of hardware (RDW in part list). I've since installed 3rd party TPS which allowed me to monitor tyre pressure along with their temperature.
..according to on board tests, all things works (there is some button just behind steering wheel), and by clicking it, you can select various test modes, including cluster and sensors..i have tried it and it all works..however, im curious about your 3rd party TPS upgrade..can you share more details about it ?
Yeah, I had followed the steps you mentioned above, which is outlined in one of the user manuals but I simply couldn't activate the TPMS after reading in another forum (m5board) noticed some of them replaced the "RDW unit" to fix this, anyway that's another story.

Anyway here's what I've done to my ride recently including the TPMS and we discussed a tiny bit, the brand is Orange and it's Taiwanese made.

..but how do you know that TPS doesnt work or entirely disabled after applied steps from user manual ? Have you run some diagnostic or something like that?? Im asking because I wanna check, am I actully permanently disabled TPS or not, even, i believe , its UBER dumb by BMW to let people permanently disable such thing, just by pressing purposely exposed button for TPS and mentioned procedure in user manual..
Ecc0;779877 said:
..but how do you know that TPS doesnt work or entirely disabled after applied steps from user manual ? Have you run some diagnostic or something like that?? Im asking because I wanna check, am I actully permanently disabled TPS or not, even, i believe , its UBER dumb by BMW to let people permanently disable such thing, just by pressing purposely exposed button for TPS and mentioned procedure in user manual..
Providing the driver with the ability to disable the system is not totally out of the question. If you encountered an accident during a long journey and forced to change rims to one that doesn't have the radio transmitter, you'll need to disable the system to stop it "bong"-ing about when it couldn't get the pressure readings. But I believe the cabin TPS button is only temporary disabling and the system will reactivate the next time you start the car. You would need BMW coding done at the service center to permanently disable this system.
How do you do the diagnostics for all sensors and modules? You're doing it from your instrument cluster's hidden menus right?
I failed to enable it by pressing and holding it for the amount of time stated in the guide. It just keeps telling me TPMS disabled even after trying to enable it.
Game-R;779882 said:
Providing the driver with the ability to disable the system is not totally out of the question. If you encountered an accident during a long journey and forced to change rims to one that doesn't have the radio transmitter, you'll need to disable the system to stop it "bong"-ing about when it couldn't get the pressure readings. But I believe the cabin TPS button is only temporary disabling and the system will reactivate the next time you start the car. You would need BMW coding done at the service center to permanently disable this system.
How do you do the diagnostics for all sensors and modules? You're doing it from your instrument cluster's hidden menus right?

..yes, I cant now recall which '..tESt..' was one for cluster and sensor check, but I was browsing trough 21 given tESt's , and one was for check entire clusters and sensors check..no message of any kind that I was actually disable TPS..I was following user manual where it stays to keep TPS button down, until TPS warning light on dashboard (initially red color), change in to orange..then drive car for about 200-300 meters and it reset itself and warning light disappear..
seewai;779943 said:
I failed to enable it by pressing and holding it for the amount of time stated in the guide. It just keeps telling me TPMS disabled even after trying to enable it.
For our older M5s that button only disables the system temporarily. It should re-activate after you've switched off the ignition. Has the BMW Scanner detected any errors from the system? The original pressure sensors are still attached to your rims?
Let's meet on Friday to scan your car with INPA or GT1, we have the tools and it's free for all as we are still learning :)
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