Unless there is excessive leaking in the hoses or ends of your PS pump and PSgearbox, it is normal. Usually on full-lock turns, at the end of the lock. It appears that pressure is really great and there is some internal leakage in the PSgearbox or the PSpump due to age. (internal wear)
I was told sometimes re-doing the PSpump seals will help. But only occasionally, in most cases, if these things are opened, they tend to get worse. So if it is not leaking, DON"T touch it!. Just make sure the PSreserviour has enough fulid to do its work. Level should be a Max. For those with a filter, about 1 cm of the filter should be the fluid. Make sure the cap is tight!.
It is rare that we use full-lock in turns, except for some tighe parking spaces, so it should be OK for some time.