Heyya Peeps..!~

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okow;331103 said:
'Picadilly' brings back memOries Of the '80s.
WelcOme and dO jOin us On the 14th June, next Saturday for Our Grand TT.

there's a group in Facebook that dedicates itself to the memory of this joint..go & subscribe hehe

btw thread starter, welcome to the forum :top:
Hey there.... welcome to da club! do join us for the grand TT this saturday 14th June 2008 at Borneo Rainforest cafe... would love to see your ride.....

stay active!
Silver;331483 said:
Hey there.... welcome to da club! do join us for the grand TT this saturday 14th June 2008 at Borneo Rainforest cafe... would love to see your ride.....

stay active!

Thank you brO Silver... :wink:
Afraid, I cannOt make it on the 14th, gOt tO Organize sumthing that day, but if let say its cancelled... InsyaALLAH will try tO make it :smile:

Thanks...:rock: HeHeHe
Hi lady Welcum to d right club. Btw, Waht's d year of ur 318? I don't think tat ur car need to change timing belt. I think tat ur 318 using timing chain instead. Pls check wif ur mechanic.:rolleyes:

PiCaDiLLy;330079 said:
Assalamualaikum wbt & GoOd day tO all...!~

I'm Dyla here... Pls find my intrOductiOns as belOw :

-What do you drive: E36 318i (A)

-Male / Female: Female

-Picture of you(optional): please lOOk at my prOfile :wink:

-Location: Seri Kembangan, SelangOr

-Occupation: Executive Officer

-How you came about to know bmwclubmalaysia.com?:
by Surfing on a one fine day... :tongue:

-When was it?
year 2006 if i'm nOt mistaken...

-What were you expecting or purpose coming to bmwclubmalaysia.com?
get tO knOw peOple whO have the same interest & passiOn alsO hOpefully can share tips + infOs :biggrin:

Well, i just bOught my baby actually... hOping tO get sOme "tunjuk ajar" frOm sifus here :105:... HeHeHe

EnjOy Car Life & Happy :driver: tO all...!~
Thank yOu BrO SS626A and alsO fOr the advise... :smile:

I have send the car this mOrning tO the wOrkshOp... lOcated near Ara D'sara...
2mOrO evening will cOllect the car huhuhu... :wink:
can't wait to :driver: it... hehehe
Hi BrO shiva73,

Thanks brO... ur at Bdr Baru Bangi aite? NOt that far frOm me... HuHuHu :wink:
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