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sanjay nv

Club Guest
Jun 29, 2006
"A husband and wife were sharing a bottle of wine when the husband said,I bet you can't tell me something which will make me happy and sad at the same time"The wife thought for a few moments then said,Your dick's bigger than your brother's
moral of the story,mates
"don't f#@kin ask stupid 'riddle' like questions while downing a bottle of wine", especially to ur wife:(
ya sanjay will u be there tonite?

fab of course i'll be there as usual
sith dude, it's a joke,mate.
but seriously lets say one ask this sort of f#@kin stupid 'riddle' like questions,and if ur gal tells you this[but it's only a joke,but you don't know coz she gives you the convincing look], want will ur instant action be?

sorry mate it's it only a hypothetical question.
sanjay nv;201982 said:
sith dude, it's a joke,mate.
but seriously lets say one ask this sort of f#@kin stupid 'riddle' like questions,and if ur gal tells you this[but it's only a joke,but you don't know coz she gives you the convincing look], want will ur instant action be?

sorry mate it's it only a hypothetical question.

heh heh.. then you reply "but that's not what my brother's wife/gf told me!!" :D

sanjay nv;201982 said:
sith dude, it's a joke,mate.
but seriously lets say one ask this sort of f#@kin stupid 'riddle' like questions,and if ur gal tells you this[but it's only a joke,but you don't know coz she gives you the convincing look], want will ur instant action be?

sorry mate it's it only a hypothetical question.

No action, but my answer would be simple... I would just tell her where she's lacking compared to her freinds, cousins, sister and our neighbour when it comes to the bedroom boogie... :D

hypothetical answer mate... :p

Bila mau thani ???;)
sithwarrior;202001 said:
No action, but my answer would be simple... I would just tell her where she's lacking compared to her freinds, cousins, sister and our neighbour when it comes to the bedroom boogie... :D

And just be prepared for WWIII...:D or the biblical flood....
sith my mate,
answer like that, what makes bimmster like us 'ultimate drivers[not the car]'.
one "thani" on me 4that, mate. u tell me when n' where,mate.

have a goodweekend,mates.
sanjay nv;202166 said:
sith my mate,
answer like that, what makes bimmster like us 'ultimate drivers[not the car]'.
one "thani" on me 4that, mate. u tell me when n' where,mate.

have a goodweekend,mates.

Just PM'd you my number... buzz me lah. meet at hartamas or something
sithwarrior;202001 said:
No action, but my answer would be simple... I would just tell her where she's lacking compared to her freinds, cousins, sister and our neighbour when it comes to the bedroom boogie... :D

hypothetical answer mate... :p

Bila mau thani ???;)

cheh ... cakap besar ... wife not here boleh cerita le ........ if wife back in town, langsung tak keluar rumah ... kena ikat ....... pigi dah....

you still owe me 3 jugs.
JYazid;202234 said:
cheh ... cakap besar ... wife not here boleh cerita le ........ if wife back in town, langsung tak keluar rumah ... kena ikat ....... pigi dah....

you still owe me 3 jugs.

3 jugs tak der hal... bila ?

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