heeheeheehee sound in my e46

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Club Guest
Apr 16, 2007
No joke guys. That is exactly how the sound is like. It usually happens at the first 20mins of the drive in the morning, at low speed, around 20-30 kmph. After 20 mins, and on high speed (by that time I will be hitting the NPE liao anyway), I don't hear it anymore. The sound is like something rattling. It comes from left side of the car I think. I've removed all the keys or little rolling objects in the glove box, and it does not help.Any advise is welcomed!Thanks, jn.
I guess your car need a vacation as it starts to show sign of over work and no holiday.. mental hospital is nearby.. hjehhee... Just joking bro.

On the serious side, it may be the caused of your air-con belting as it normally stop "lauging" after it heat up.

Something rattling from the left side?

Try the seatbelt. If the metal part is facing the body you can get a rattling sound when driving.

Thanks for the prompt replies. I think geoffrey may be right. This morning I tried recording the "laughing" sound, but it was not there, then I realised I did not switch on the aircon. I will go check it out with a mechanic, and see if it needs fixing. Will report back.

I too need a holiday...
i think you got a little hantu in your car....laughing in the morning for a while before going off.
My wife car got tis problem also. After I changed the air-con belt. But d Hantu sound still there. So annoying!!!
could be the sound from the alternator ...... as there might be some wiring problem ...
Dude, i think it's your left wheel bearing... Does the sound go away when you are cornering?
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