F*#%%#$ Stupid BMW Owner

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Jan 18, 2005
:mad: Nearly kiss a E36 318 light brown metalic this morning. Selangor plate no. if not mistaken BDR281 or something (evening now forgot already). This 318 not just don't have a 3rd brake light working, all her damn brake light is not working. The paint on his rear bonet has lost its glory and due for a paint I guess, feels like want to stop the woman driver and tell her off "You're looking for a free paint ka in case I sodok you just know". Damn emergency brake, unil tire smoking and all the screeching, a few inch from sodok her already. If you are in this forum, please please please get all your break light sorted, it accident waiting to happen and guess what the fault will be on the car that hit you, not even your fault eventhough your brake like doesnt work (as you can claim it works before that guy hit you).Bloody w :mad: :mad: k:mad: r
Aiya.. relax ma.. you should be thankful that you didnt 'sodok her'.. maybe the driver didnt know that the brake light not working because didnt notice the warning light.

Anyway, other cars (not only bimmer) also stimes have their brake light not working.. So, consider urself lucky man and at least that really tested ur car's emergency braking.. Cheers..
tats y always practise reverse parking instead of head in... confirm u will notice whether yr brake lights are working from the reflection u get...

be it with or w/o OBD in yr car... reflection will tell...
cars without operational rear lights are not limited to this bmw.....there are many about.

The worse, is many of these drivers dun know.....cos they dun have a BMW function of a Check Panel or OBD.....pity them mah!

The key is not to tail gate car ahead of you..... and to see tru the front car window for possible slowing down of traffic ahead of you and my instructors tell me to see 6 cars ahead thru this technique.

the other alternative is to learn how to recognise retardation in the front cars' speed but this takes experience and practise.......real racing cars or karts dun have brake lights, no? so I get to practise at times on track but best is the pointers above.

Safe motoring.

By the way, come HPC Advanced Driving Course and we can share with you more.
Its no excuse for a BMW driver cos bimmers (>1980s) have Check Control.
a 1996 318i e36 doesnt come with it.. maybe unless u opt for a higher specs...
Oh, my apologies. I forgot specs for local cars are different. AB takes them out when BMW (AG) specs Check Control throughout the range (including 318i).
it is still the responsibility of the driver of the car to ensure it is roadworthy before driving it unto a public road, OBC or no OBC. (but thats malaysia) Its all too common a problem here... try counting motorbikes with working tail lights, and you'll lose count for example.
Cool it brother. THe fact that you are angry have no effect on him, it only gives you more grey hair.
Jules said:
The key is not to tail gate car ahead of you..... and to see tru the front car window for possible slowing down of traffic ahead of you and my instructors tell me to see 6 cars ahead thru this technique.

But nowaday lots of people drive with sunshade on their rear windscreen, even at night :mad: .
Yup......sunshades should be banned from the rear screens irrespective if it's DAY & NITE!

JPJ preach that our tint film must be let thru lights of certain %......but with the sun shade up - I think it beats every % you can think of!
Whats the diff between shades, darkened tint and reflective tint you cant see thru? Or for that matter pillows and toys on the rear parcel shelf blocking vision?

Back to the topic, maybe these people are waiting for someone to hit them in the rear so they can claim insurance for a new paint, boot, lights, whatever?
Rear sun shade for night ? why ? bcoz to block the rear cars light with supposedly XENON light / HID which is tilted higher than normal level !! Really a pain in the ass if u ask me.. want to use HID, but never adjust the light levelling, and keep blinding other people ..

Correct me if i am wrong.. Cheers and peace bro..
naha....if they are wrong ( the HID out of allignment sinners ), it does not warrant anyone to also take law into own hands by using the sun shade ILLEGALLY.

Solving a problem with another, wun get anyone far.
yup she must be looking 4 a free paint .... chill larrr bro ..if that was the case you should stop her down in a good maner and let her know about it ...she may not know ...
Jules.. yup , u are right, we cannot take laws into our own hands.. but then, is there any law to say that it is illegal to put up your rear blind ? If there is, then proton/or any other makes cannot install them in the first place..

But, if u ask me, if the car infront of u has the rear-blind up, just overtake or keep a distance, otherwise it is the same as driving behinf a van.

I have NOT studied the traffic law book but I am pretty sure if I want to argue this in the courts, I would have a strong chance to win the case that it is indeed unlawful to drive with the shades up. I will just put the tint meter with teh shade all clamped together and show the reading on how much visible lite is let thru!

Proton ( I think its EON ) and the likes can install it but they could be smarter than any of us and put it in small print that driving with this is illegal or not recommended hence discharging the onus onto the user.....The same analogy is I give u a gun, but never tell you what or who to shoot rite? ( u watch the movie WAR LORD? nice. )

Anyow, tailing a vehicle closely is never safe, so I agree with your suggestions on your last para.
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