Euro A08 E46 M3 Build

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Sweet thread and car mate! Here's a suggestion and I'm sure you've thought of it: coilovers and big brake upgrade, also get more out of the ECU and or motec? Also following your thread and I guess the film powder coat didn't turn out the way you wanted it but it looks good in my opinion. Maybe a layer of lacquer over the powder? Insane.
Some new and not so new updates from the past few months:

The iron exhaust clamps were rusted and had to be replaced. I ordered a set from m3cutters UK a year back but never had the time to work on this. These clamps are CNCed from a single block of titanium, strong and light but best of all they will never rust again! Enjoy the pictures :)

Finally, short of 5 months to 9 years the original factory fitted dry cell battery had to go. Impressed by this, I had to get the same for the replacement.

On the last day of 2014, out goes the old

Spanking new batt for the bitch!
Hola! It's 6 months into the year and thought it's time that I seriously start with working on her final cosmetic bits, wear and tear replacements and the performance parts I've hoarded the past year or so...

So before the actual work begins, there was always the bit of thing that I had held back for lack of clarity (I must admit that it is of my own lack of time and moolah resource) - that is getting her to ride on custom suspension setups for that femme fatale stance!

So I thought of going through the tried and tested i.e. the popular option was to go with the KW V2 (for her anyways) until recently when I made some price comparisons and found some great brands pedigree at about the same price altitude.

One particular setup that had my sleep inadvertently intertwined with lucid dreams was the Öhlins pictured below. Question is, have any of you lads been on this path and how was it for her and you?

Ohlins = Oh my...I'm pretty sure those who installed has no regrets :D

btw if those are fully adjustables you can adjust the comfort level to your liking, the other thing to check if they are serviceable and where to do it locally...more pics of your ride bro, e46 M3 my all time favourite ///M!
silverbullet said:
Ohlins = Oh my...I'm pretty sure those who installed has no regrets :D

btw if those are fully adjustables you can adjust the comfort level to your liking, the other thing to check if they are serviceable and where to do it locally...more pics of your ride bro, e46 M3 my all time favourite ///M!
That is one of my concerns bro. Seems the local dist stock mostly the two wheeled variant. Not too sure if they do servicing tho. The SG dist does servicing but will be a bitch to travel south just for that.

Anyways, servicing is every 30k KM for normal street use and every 6-10 hours full track use. Of course, these are factory recommendations.

We'll see. It's either making that bitch of a trip or go the KW option.

On the pics, she a bit comot nowadays. I'll get her to pose when she's ready...
BlackCat said:
Bring in the mod squad!


From hood grills to fender sills,
How much more would my wallet wield!
Nak lagi cf rear diffuser,
Nanti gf kata aku giler!
Itu bukan lagi cf front splitters,
I might just have a head full of splinters!!!

As any gearhead will tell you, personalization of one's ride is part of the experience, not to mention, the joy of ownership. So the days and weeks ahead, mr google was my constant companion. At work, during meals and even when sitting on the can...

The worst one could do is to go overboard thus having a horrendous result! The art of modding, or should I say the fine art of modding, is... well a fine art. The E46 M3 is a well sculpted piece of machinery to start with. Any diversions to any of its major design lines is going to spell FAIL!!! More surf time is needed...

I realized that until I am very comfortable with any major mods, I am just going to go ahead with minor visualizations. Very subtle and nothing that is earth shattering! So I guess I'll just do these first before any serious attempts on improvements to performance and handling. Since she's cloaked in A08 Silver Grey, my thoughts was to go 'monochrome'.

Xmas came early that year when this arrived!









bro where can get these and how much do they cost?
Bought these a while back and couldn't remember. eBay is a good source imo. There are other online shops too and make a trip to Sunway, perhaps you'll get better options there.
Sundays have been passing by me without much activities lately. So today, I thought of detailing the engine bay and break some sweat...

Stuff I used. Not in the picture but used is some AutoSol. Beware tho', use sparingly as this paste cuts deep into the metal surface.

Initial results... It's not done yet but you'll be the judge.
Some under the hood updates...

A belated birthday gift

This should compliment the CSL airbox once installed.

I think the combined weight savings [oem engine cover + oem non CSL airbox replacement] should add a couple of ponies. But most of all, the engine bay would look better 'sorted' imo.

If you don't mind me asking, but where did you get those clamps CNC-ed? Looks pretty well made.
BlackCat said:
A close up of the detailed surface.
Awesome jilat session bro! I bet the jilat n mandi buih king mr. IM would be proud of u hehe. Pics of the completed engine bay plsss.
Takut kawan kawan kat sini marah lar bang... Silau :stoned: :stoned: :stoned:
Photo albums in photobucket got corrupted :(

And I do not have backups!!!
About time I revive this thread...

She's all made up for 2018!
watch this space for updates​
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