Ethics of BMW Drivers!

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Club Guest
Feb 22, 2005
Hi Folks!Let's start some cool ethics being a BMW driver to another Bimmer on the road. Here are the recommendation:-1. We flash or greet every bimmer we meet on the road. 2. Assist them when you see them on the road with some problem.3. Don't tempt them for a race unless you know them. This is some sample being a bimmer and it has been practice in Germany long time ago. But because you will find so many bimmer around, they died off.Here in Malaysia is different, because we do not have as many as Germany and also we can just start with the E30 and E36 models first. You might not get the response you have been expected, but at least we are Gentlemen and will forgive! At the end of the day, it is in our mind which counts.What say your?TK
I been praticing that but sometimes the other party did not response to it ... so after a while i decided not to do it ..... but we can always start this back as its a good things to practice .... :D :D :D
1)good idea,but i hav been practicing tht for ages too and hav managed to make friends with a few e30'ers/e36'ers tht way!
one example is how i met axle.we met at the traffic lights and honked and etc.....
its good udm etiquette!
but cant stand those racer boys with udm's and all they wanna do is race and endanger others on the road! :rolleyes:
boys!!! :p

2)hav assisted some on the road b4.ironically its alwiz ladies tht i end up helping(not tht i'm complaining) :nyehehe:

3)my car so slow how to tempt anyone to a race wor?
Originally posted by Teekay@Jun 3 2005, 02:48 AM
Hi Folks!

Let's start some cool ethics being a BMW driver to another Bimmer on the road. Here are the recommendation:-

1. We flash or greet every bimmer we meet on the road.
2. Assist them when you see them on the road with some problem.
3. Don't tempt them for a race unless you know them.

This is some sample being a bimmer and it has been practice in Germany long time ago. But because you will find so many bimmer around, they died off.

Here in Malaysia is different, because we do not have as many as Germany and also we can just start with the E30 and E36 models first.

What say your?
yup.. i totally agree with u teekay...

well i never had an experience assisting another udm on the road... hmmm i definately never race another udm.. coz my old lady is extremely slow.. hahahah... but i usually flash light to other udm i meet on the road... and i can tell u.... not only some will flash back and smile.. but some even showed the universal "FINGER" sign to me.. aiiyoo... what r they thinking dude??!!!... but somehow i dun take em seriously....maybe they've got the wrong message.. hehehe.. too bad... :unsure: :(
1. Er...not to be a bubble popper but road rage is pretty rampant in Malaysia, especially in KL nowadays. Flashing might not be a good idea as it can be mistaken for taunting unless the other party can see your gleaming white teeth and million dollar smile :D

2. Great idea this one, although generally we should be helping anyone (dodgy characters excluded) with problems on the road :yes:

3. Tempt for a race?!?!? I'll be happy my gearbox stays the way it is while cruising :dunno:

Just my 0.02 dollar

1. Public roads not 4 racing :wink:
2. Club members shd b law abiding, not risk ruining image of club & brand. :unsure:
abit out of topic here, sorry, but just had to say this...

2cents: have u been reading too many robert kiyosaki books? :p
1 E36 (KL plate) double park in KLCC underground parking

two days ago:
1 E60 (525) almost hit me while crossing at the pedestrian crossing in front of KLCC to BSN. The lights were red for cars.

Bikin malu saja.. Next time I'll get their plate numbers. I hope they are not forummers.
Originally posted by 2cents@Jun 3 2005, 03:54 AM
1. Public roads not 4 racing :wink:
2. Club members shd b law abiding, not risk ruining image of club & brand. :unsure:

One of the forumers are quite well known in KL - not for a good cause though ..

Apoo - the guy we talked abt during E36 TT in SEP.

My advise - mau lari ... lu lari cara gentleman .. Jangan kasi org lain susah . ! Berani buat berani tanggung. Somebody is watching you ...
Originally posted by affan66@Jun 3 2005, 04:44 AM
1 E36 (KL plate) double park in KLCC underground parking

two days ago:
1 E60 (525) almost hit me while crossing at the pedestrian crossing in front of KLCC to BSN. The lights were red for cars.

Bikin malu saja.. Next time I'll get their plate numbers. I hope they are not forummers.
is this the same E36? dark color?..i saw this one double park and was pissed off so cool looking but parking macam sakai!!!!!...causing a small queue going out
BMWs can be bought by Ah Bengs too. So i dont bother flashing and all that crap. Now i only look for the familiar BMWClub sticker.
Originally posted by 3er@Jun 5 2005, 10:26 PM
BMWs can be bought by Ah Bengs too. So i dont bother flashing and all that crap. Now i only look for the familiar BMWClub sticker.
:yes!: I sokong you 100% silap2 they thought we cari pasal so for us better to see as what our friend says, the world today has change kita niat baik tapi others we don't know. :eek:k:
Originally posted by 3er@Jun 5 2005, 10:26 PM
BMWs can be bought by Ah Bengs too. So i dont bother flashing and all that crap. Now i only look for the familiar BMWClub sticker.
so now ve shd make der schtiker mor visible. :D
I used to get more nods with my 2002 from bmw drivers & other classic cars alike & not to mention some women as well!! i kid u not! haha..
e36...ppl think i'm a yuppie and being red, didn't help either! & there are way to many on the road now.
e30 i get a few smiles from other e30 owners. the e36..jangan harap..they think they're somebody driving a newer car! i really couldnt give a s-hit!
Now that I drive a BMW ... I notice that more and more BMW are seen ... even in my Kampung ... got two BMW already, E36 and E39 ... and plus me E28 ... soon to start our own "Kampung" BMW Club ... I guess :)

But driving in my E28, I rarely got people staring at me ...

I never flash other people ... Well I tried once, but that somebody didnt even notice me ... lol. Have to change to a brighter headlamp before start flash others lah ...

Usually when meet friends (in BMW or not) I'll raise my hand (not the karam singh walia style lah) ... That is however only done if I'm cruising slowly ... I cant raise my hand yet while driving fast ... Need to learn more (I'm P driver, just got license this year).
Best place to build BMW friendship is to meet a fellow UDM driver at a weekly club tt near u. :) :D :lol:
i kinda agree with Fuhrer, whenever i drive my yellow 2002, i always get this friendly stare from other UDM owners, especially the old drivers, i guess they know these cars are hard to find these days. Once, this driver (driving his e34) waved me from his car and ask me to stop by the road side while i was driving my 2002. Fromm my rear view mirror, i could see his smiling face, so, why not, he is quite elderly too.. Reason for waving, want to ask abt my car like, where do i send for service and etc, it seems that he also have 2002 in his garage, but too bad not running.

Flashing ur light to other UDMS - NOT IN MALAYSIA MAN !! they think u want to race.

Whenever i race with anotherUDM, i always wave a friendly gesture to the other driver after tioing him, after i slow down to look at the driver. But if i kena tapau, buat dono aja lah...
Well i think you can tell straight away if there is a fellow enthusiast sitting behind the wheel - because they'll be checking out your car as well. I find most of the E30's that i've seen looking back at mine are friendly enough for a smile and a wave!
Hahaha... this reminds me of a funny encounter I had during the last weekend. I was in my friend's Harrier at Karak Highway when he ran out of petrol just after the Genting turnoff on the way back to KL. So, we stopped by the side as my friend started walking back to the nearest station about 2 kms back. Then, a very nicely done-up E46 325i pulled over and I thot if it's a forummer, may be I can ask for help. I walked over to the guy's car and realising got no club sticker, I walked away sheepishly. The E46 then sped off...
funny tho that I've been werking in KL for 3 yrs + and I can see more UDMs often than I see my daughter daily.. but I've never saw any UDM with the CLUB sticker on it.. err only once I think (besides Kev's & Fab's ride) .. this shows, maybe ..

1. Not all Club members have the stickers (including me but, I 've the ol' one :D )
2. There's still alot UDM owners out there that it is not joining the Club (yet?)

But I know 1 thing for sure.. if u r driving an E30.. and u r passing another E30.. both drivers will look at each others ride.. hehe ;)
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