engine dont start again.i think my car is sick of me..

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Nov 15, 2006
bros, my e30 m20b20 cant start in the mornings .when i sent it to the mech, my mech had no problems starting even though he left it in the workshop overnite. but when i bring home, the next morning ,i cant start again. i had to jumpstart it.when the engine has run for a while, the starting has no problem at all. its when i leave it overnite. so im suspecting its the cold start ? or what could be the culprit?leakage? wiring?starter? when i turn my key, the engine just has a slight soft whining sound. no crank. but when i hook it onto a jumpstart cable with another car, it starts immediately. my battery is still fine when i had it checked with the meter. and i've also changed a 2nd hand alternator.. please advice. is this how old Beemers are like? problem after the other, or isit just me.;(OH yeah, and this morning when i started it, when i crank the key, there's a 4second delay before the engine actually fires . this only occurs during the first crank, when the engine actually gets started first time, i can start it the rest of the day.unless i leave it TOOO long out again(overnite)
bro i dont know if my problem same as yours or not... i cant leave my car for overnite also. my temparory action... if i wanna to leave my car more than 8hrs. i need to take out (-) terminal from my battery. if not it will drain my battery... y? some say its my alternator diod already kaput la... so far ok loh and my temparory action become permenent la. hahahahha...
I have the same problem too for my M43 ... Workshop said it is the starter that worn out.

I have not change the starter therefore cant tell you if that will solve the problem
Mr. dungbtle's problem is very very very familiar to me.. just to confirm. Try this:

When ever the car does not crank, try jump the battery and see if the result is the same. If same (like my case), confirm nothing wrong with alternator low charge, battery weak or mysterious discharge like frenchy's case.

At first, over weekend parking gives the problem, then it gets more serious... overnight parking also same problem... it get more serious!!! go to work and have problem starting it after office hours.... then even few hours of parking also got problem..

The symptom very interesting wan.. you turn the key... meter indicator lights all okay wan, no dimming at all (no load). And no sound from the started actuator and starter.. absolute silent like langsung no contact at all.. key gotta remain turned, hold for maybe 10 sec to 45 sec at worst.. then it cranks!

So how did I solve mine?

First, I sent it to the workshop. The workshop guy tutup mata and say "Tukar starter!" I actually did that because he's suppose to be a trusted foreman. As promised, problem solved!

..... BUT after 3 months (after the warranty period for the recon starter), same problem again. This time, I don't trust anyone and take out the starter myself! Strip it apart, use sand paper to gosok all the contact untill kilat kilat. Pasang balik... VIOLA! problem solved! Bloody carbon deposit at the actuator contact point!

Oh yes! that was a JDM: Perdana. And it took me weeks to look for the starter relay because I thot every car should have one... duh... how wrong can I be! Perdana got no starter relay !! :D

So for UDM, first check the starter relay (UDM should have).. if the relay clicks, then its like my Perdana lio. No worries! The starter just need servicing.... your worries should be foreman reluctant to do it for u because it's not cost effective for the foreman.. :D He will sure ask u to tukar wan. Otherwise how to keep up with the reputation of "high maintenance car" ! :D

thanks for the replies!,
right now my symptom is the same as "astroboys"... i'd have to wait after i turn my key. and if at all the car is left overnight. its really likely that the next morning i cant start again. well, for the meantime(tonite) i will try frenchy's solution. and during the weekend, i'll try to take out the starter and gosok the contact points as astroboy suggested.....

hopefully it works man~.. i brought it to the mech 2weeks ago and he changed my alternator.... after that i brought it back, the next morning couldnt start. i brought it to his shop again and left it there for 3 days, he had no probs starting. so he fucked me up for fucking him up.well,yeah, same here, REPUTABLE mechanic means they dont believe in servicing your parts ,but changing them straightaway. if i had a son, i'd make him study to become a beemer mech..hahaha
Bimmer starter are very deep and it require lots of work to remove them.. be extra careful when you do so ya..

I agree with Astroboy thats why I am still searching for the workshop who are willing to service my starter. Anyone know where..please share ya
dungbtle, I think you might have a minor shorting somewhere where it is draing the battery slowly. If you can start the car after 1 hour you have stop the engine but not after 8 hour stoppage, that means your battery is being slowly drained or it is not retaining the charge.

To check for battery draining via shorthing, use a tong meter (DC tpe ammeter) to check any current flowing when the engine is stop.

If there is no current flowing, the problem could be your battery. BTW, how old is your battery and the AH (Amp Hour) rating?

BTW, dont taruh your mechanic cos you should have send the car to a wiremen mechanic.
i agree jarance, i left it out in the parking lot yesterday at work and it was raining .when i got off work, it couldnt start again, i agree that there must be a leakage that drains the batt. and it's prolly draining faster during cold weathers. isnt it a hard job to troubleshoot and track down which part is the resposible for the leakage? my battery's 2 years old and i was thinking of changing it, but just worried if i change it, and with this current prob, the new batt's gonna be worn out pretty soon too ,or will it not? my mech checked my batt last week and he said it was "8" .i'm not sure 8 is ampere's or wat..but he said the batt's still healthy.

since last nite i've been trying "frenchy's" way of disconnecting the batt. (bro frenchy, how could you bear with the trouble of having to d/c your batt after every drive? hahaha)
and geofrey thanks for the info. i've never tried looking for the starter so i didnt know that its deep in. prolly wont touch it then.
anyways bro, thanks for the replies, i'm gonna need to find a wireman now~ ;)
hahahah... i not drive this car for daily dude. just bring to sunshine on weekend... bro... i did change my battery. same problem happen. did ask someone from here... maybe diod from alternator couse the problem. but if its not drain ur battery... i must be ur starter motor loh. just maybe... hehehehe... good luck man!
well i had the same problem too...
But i dont know weather it's similar to your problem or not...
I too am drivinng a E30 M20 engine...

This is what i did...
Last time i cant leave my car overnight...
After sending my car for engine servicing...
It's a bit ok...
But then after changing the battery and also all 6 spark plugs...
& also making sure that the stater coil is in good condition...
I have no problem leaving my car overnight with out starting...
so i'm suggesting you to:
1. Service your engine + change fuel filter + Check Fuel Pump
2. Check Your Battery + Your Spark Plugs + Spark Coil
3. Well if those wont work...
Check the spark Cable for spark leaking...

If this all don't help...
Then i dont know man...
All the best...
I hope i've help you....

cold start 1 promblem ,need to crank a few times ,,or on the signal meter on 49sec or 1min then crank again maybe works ,but not,,key ingition aslo must check,,starter can be check n service,, spark plug wiring aslo must check whether faulty,sometime the battery tak ikat kuat aslo 1 promblem,,alternator aslo must service but my advise if alternator hav service more than 3times ,,pls find a new 1 or recond 1 from chop car from singapore,,as i know their charging electric higher n better for our battery,pls check meter on the supply eletricity..sometime old remote conrol wiring can cause starting promblem,,the best is to disconnect the old wiring n try old wiring back n test the result 1st ,,whether the wiring of the remote control is a promblem...do the plug n play...test n learn regards tqvn\m dan
I know where to service starter. Check out my post here

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