EML Light

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Apr 11, 2005
Hi all,While my 318i E46 2003 was sent for Inspection II at AB, EML lighted up and after that they thought they had settled the issue. Few days after I have got back the car, the light came back again and I have to "crawl" the car to send back to AB. After 4 days they still could not figure it out what was the problem. Can anyone help???
Hi all,

I had the same or similiar problem...with the same model (e46 318i 2003) When EML light up, the car can only run slow (safe mode). Off engine, restart again it run ok.Sent 3x to AB but unable to detect the fault during diag. Help me please....
Electronics make things easy and difficult at the same time...
3 possible causes in this case.
1.) Sensor bad.
2.) computer bad.
3.) Actual problem but needs to be opened to find out.
I agree with python_dev

The most high possibility is #1 bad sensor. I assume that somebody already touch that portion and increase the accuracy hence become more active than usual.
EML Light

Dear Acidburn,

Which sensor? Is it the sensor at the throttle body? For your info..I just changed the coil due to misfiring.


Hi zulkefle,

Yes, u are right. Most probably during the coil changed, somebody had twisted the sensor effectiveness. This is just an assumption base on our experience, my advise is bring back your car to the same shop and let them know that u had suspected the sensor become hairwire after they troubleshooting the misfiring problem.
Any feedback from blarder hyad77 on this EML thingy since its oredi 7 month old lio.

Don't tell he sold off the d.. :p
My EML problem still there, every morning after driving for 5 mins....after that ( I guess when engine hot aledy) smooth till end of the day..

Diagnos my car yesterday and fault code E285 came out:

"Variable Valve Gear Control module internal Fault" and
"Variable valve Gear Power limitation in limp home operating mode"

Haiya...what can be the problem...why only during 1st start??
sensor?coil? or just a spark plug ( that I recently changed) due to misfiring prob...

The EML signal on my car flashed on on July 30, 2010. My ride is 2005 E46 2.0L Lifestyle, mileage approx 68k-km.The car went to "safe-mode" with speed only range between 20-60 km/hr every now and then. Did the diagnostic using "Smartbox" and the fault codes were: code 001 2A67 valvetronic, internal fault; code 002 2A6B valvetronic, power limitation, servomotor. My mechanic changed the Valvetronic Servomotor and had to change the valve cover gasket in the process. Now the EML signal is gone and the ride behaves normally again.
EML light

I've got this EML light flashed on for 1 second or 2 during driving,then car continue w/o any effect. It came on after turning off the key few days ago. My ride is a 2004 e46
Bro-how much did it cost to replace Valvetronic Servomotor & valve cover gasket ?

Kamarul Ariffin Buang;552221 said:
The EML signal on my car flashed on on July 30, 2010. My ride is 2005 E46 2.0L Lifestyle, mileage approx 68k-km.The car went to "safe-mode" with speed only range between 20-60 km/hr every now and then. Did the diagnostic using "Smartbox" and the fault codes were: code 001 2A67 valvetronic, internal fault; code 002 2A6B valvetronic, power limitation, servomotor. My mechanic changed the and had to change the n the process. Now the EML signal is gone and the ride behaves normally again.
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