e39 lh rear window regulator

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Dec 10, 2004
my lh rear window decided to quit working.the window not moving at all but can hear the motor running.opened it up and found the small metal thingy that clamps onto the cable,is broken.removed the regulator (one 10mm bolt at the bottom one 10mm star bolt at the top - quite tricky this) from the door and glued using two part metal epoxy.working fine now.....
Tq for sharing bro, will probably DIY mine too..it kaput last month..
Hi Moots.
My lh rear window lifter gave up last week. My question is, Do you need to remove the window to get the lifter out of the door??
howdy mike,
no .the window stays in the up position to remove the lifter but you first have to undo one bolt that clamps the window.but the fronts have 2 clamps and the window needs to be removed..
moots;621798 said:
howdy mike,
no .the window stays in the up position to remove the lifter but you first have to undo one bolt that clamps the window.but the fronts have 2 clamps and the window needs to be removed..

Hi Moots,

My Year 2000 E39 rear left regulator gave a away. I can hear the clunk clunk sound when press the switch. I open up the door card yesterday and confirm the cable is loose. Since the glass sometimes came down slightly, it create the wind noise. I'm also afraid should heavy rain water can sip in. So I decided to place the wood below the glass to hold it temporarily (don't laugh...) I suspect the 'clamp' for cable to the channel up down broken. It is a poor design by BMW. We always laugh at Proton but then ours also have issue. Last few month i have to change rear right side. Anyway, I came across the DIY from Youtube about this. They even came out the fix to clamp the thing at USD25. Free shipping. It does say meant for model up to 6/99 only. Before I spend RM200-300 to change the regulator it I would like to try and do something with the clamp first. Perhaps can copy the design of the clamp.

My question to you, you said no need to remove the glass. In Youtube, that fellow remove the glass. Naidu also remove the glass when he replace my right whole set recently. Does it mean I can just undo the torx screw holding the glass then loosen the nut holding the motor. I prefer not to remove the glass as it require to remove other parts as well. Wrongly done can scratch or damage some parts. By the way, what glue you use to hold the cable?
zidee, my mechanic also replaced the lifter without removing the glasses.
I have tried to remove the rear window lifter without removing the glass n .........failed, there is a screw behind the glass! how to unscrew w/o removing the glass, anyone?
zidee n macgy,the tricky part is removing the top torx bolt to undo the window lifter.I used a 10mm open end spanner to reach the bolt behind the glass and undo it at less than a quarter turn at a a time.tricky and tiring and requires some dexterity.installation of this top torx bolt is even trickier.i had to maneouver it slowly and use a long flat head screwdriver to hold the bolt in place whilst tightening the bolt!and i used two part metal epoxy to glue the cable and it's still ok till today.
bmw7833;641789 said:
Front passenger side will be more complicated, right?

well not really lar....due to the experience i have on ALL 4 doors!:stupid:
but in actual fact it really is more involved.the fronts have 2 lifter posts and the windows need to be removed!i have repaired the rh fronts and lh rear.the rh rear is kaput coz the cables that wounds onto the pulley assembly are all entangled and broken.cannot be saved.but my lh front is currently awaiting further rework as i need to modify the replacement to the pink karer pulley that has broken to pieces.

currently only the rh front and lh rear windows are working.

i also need to work on my sunroof.am awaiting parts to arrive from auto bav.....
macgy;641767 said:
I have tried to remove the rear window lifter without removing the glass n .........failed, there is a screw behind the glass! how to unscrew w/o removing the glass, anyone?

I still can't proceed to remove the lifter as even after i removed the torx screw holding the glass, i still can't lower down the glass. I believe the cable already entangle that cause the jammed. I also can't remove the lifter after loosen up the bottom 2 nuts holding the motor. I wonder whether any other screw holding it.

Please refer to this Youtube link on how to DIY. Pardon this guy who really DIY even holding camera himself while filming it. Can pening kepala tengok. I think his E39 is pre 99 model which the motor is separated from the lifter. Post 99 the motor is place below the the channel lifter.


I will try to DIY again today. If failed, over to workshop for RM350 for Taiwan made lifter with labour. Potong kereta lifter with motor rm380 + rm50 labour.
I had my rear window lifter repaired for RM400 all in with 6 mths warranty.
bro zdee,the lifter post is held by 2 torx bolts....one at the top and one at the bottom.bottom one easy to remove.top one is behind thee glass.difficult but doable.after removing both these torx bolts,proceed to remove the 1 bolt clamping the glass.then proceed to remove the motor assembly and you shud be there.
moots;641921 said:
bro zdee,the lifter post is held by 2 torx bolts....one at the top and one at the bottom.bottom one easy to remove.top one is behind thee glass.difficult but doable.after removing both these torx bolts,proceed to remove the 1 bolt clamping the glass.then proceed to remove the motor assembly and you shud be there.


Thanks. I will try again. Another DIY link is as below. Yes there are 2 torx bolts. I will try to remove the one behind the glass.

Credit to BMWTIPS a per link below :

8) Roll down the window about 80% down. Using a torx T20 driver, unscrew this torx/washer combination.

9) Manually, pull the window up to the very top/fully closed position. It should stay put there. You can also ask someone to hold it to make sure it stays in this fully closed position or alternatively you can use some tape.

10) Remove the bottom bolt also using the 10mm crescent wrench.

View attachment 19347

11) Ok, see this top starburst shaped bolt in the picture below? It's behind that soft plastic window. No, you don't get to it that way. It's also behind the glass window. If it weren't you could use a straight hex bolt driver but life isn't that easy. Get your 10mm crescent wrench, and stick your hand under the sheet metal and reach behind the window glass and remove the bolt.

View attachment 19348

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