E36 M40 ICV Needed

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Club Guest
Jun 4, 2007
Hi guys,Anyone knows where i can find a good & cheap ICV for my engine. The other day, i tried to change my AFM but the problem still occurs. The mechanis suspect that maybe the ICV is causing the problem.What happen is that, the car is OK when in 'N' or 'P' gear. But once in 'D' gear, the car start to jerk and sometimes causing the engine go dead. Beside dat the engine kindda of shaking and we can hear the engine is not running smoothly.
Just buy a new one. Not too expensive...should be able RM 500+ or thereabouts.
sesat88;291635 said:
u bikin ada check vacuum leak ka?


x sure whether ada vacum leak ke. where to check ?
the other day, mechanic just take out icv then spray2 n clean ngn wd40 blow wind inside icv then psg balik. but car still jerking if in 'D' gear
well try to unplug the ICV and see if the engine stalls or still running ...

as i know if the engine stalls ..then the ICV is OK ..or else time to change ..

if car is jerking it may come from the AFM ... i went trough the same and upon changing the AFM ..problem dissapear ...

try to interchange first before you decide ..
ICEMAN 13;291669 said:
well try to unplug the ICV and see if the engine stalls or still running ...

as i know if the engine stalls ..then the ICV is OK ..or else time to change ..

if car is jerking it may come from the AFM ... i went trough the same and upon changing the AFM ..problem dissapear ...

try to interchange first before you decide ..

thanks bro iceman for the tips.
well the mechanic did unplug the cable and the engine is still running. any suggestion why ? the engine doesnt sound smoothly. one of the mechanic said it sounds like mis-firing. havent check on that
did the mech unplug the AFM or ICV ?? cuz sometimes they unplug the AFM rather than icv ...

What's the millage on ya machine right now ?
Never use WD40 to clean ICV. Please use carburator/injection cleaner as they evaporates and thinner than WD40. as for your case it should be the AFM, but the mechanic confirmed itz not. As for ICV, failing ICV should be detected even before you engage to "D". And yes the engine would be jerking(batuk-batuk). Perhaps you should get 2nd opinion at another workshop. Gud luck

check the following as well:-

1. fuel filter
2. spark plug
3. Ignition HT cables.
4. spark plug cables connectors.
5. Vacuum hoses
6. AFM

You can do a quick check on the AFM by removing the air filter and afm. check whether the vane is stuck or not.
btw, if the problem is with the ICV, you can do a quick check by ON-OFF the aircon. see whether difference in the idling RPM. What is your idling rpm? It might help to know it.
manjit;291841 said:
Never use WD40 to clean ICV. Please use carburator/injection cleaner as they evaporates and thinner than WD40. as for your case it should be the AFM, but the mechanic confirmed itz not. As for ICV, failing ICV should be detected even before you engage to "D". And yes the engine would be jerking(batuk-batuk). Perhaps you should get 2nd opinion at another workshop. Gud luck


thanks manjit for the info. yeah thinking of getting 2nd opinion. actually got other opinion from other mech. suspect the comp box. skrg sudah pening. everytime go to other workshop, diff opinion. huhu. have to tried out everything i guess
jarance;291853 said:
btw, if the problem is with the ICV, you can do a quick check by ON-OFF the aircon. see whether difference in the idling RPM. What is your idling rpm? It might help to know it.

thanks guy for the response. well my idling rpm currently i guess is roughly around 700-800. b4 dis it is 1k or slightly more than that adn during this state the car wont jerk but the engine sound loud la.

a specialist said that e36 m40 should be at 800 and when turn ON aircond, drop to 700. well when turn ON the aircond, the rpm i guess drop slightly but sumtime cannot see the diff.
olygopoly;292007 said:
thanks guy for the response. well my idling rpm currently i guess is roughly around 700-800. b4 dis it is 1k or slightly more than that adn during this state the car wont jerk but the engine sound loud la.

a specialist said that e36 m40 should be at 800 and when turn ON aircond, drop to 700. well when turn ON the aircond, the rpm i guess drop slightly but sumtime cannot see the diff.

Based on the above, I think your ICV is OK. Check the vaccum hose first.
Bro if can try cleaning or perhaps servicing your throttle BODY and change the BOOT hose thats connected for the TB to the AFM ...

maybe the BOOT hose is leaking as due to heat or long time no change ....
ICEMAN 13;292056 said:
Bro if can try cleaning or perhaps servicing your throttle BODY and change the BOOT hose thats connected for the TB to the AFM ...

maybe the BOOT hose is leaking as due to heat or long time no change ....

BOOT hose is it ? Will check on that. Thanks ICEMAn
Bolex16;298347 said:
can i ask a silly questions here since i am begineer... what is icv and afm?

Try using the forum search "tag" function. eg.. search "TAG" AFM or ICV.

The above subjects have been discussed in detail several times. :rock:

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