E36 M3 Evo

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Originally posted by hysteria@Jun 29 2005, 07:51 PM
I own an E36 M3 Evo. What advise do you need? Hope I can help :D
What are the quirks one should look out for when considering one buddy :)?
Originally posted by hysteria@Jun 29 2005, 07:51 PM
I own an E36 M3 Evo. What advise do you need? Hope I can help :D
Hi bro.any difference between the M3(3) and M3evo(3.2)?(driving experian and others). will the parts of M3 more expensive and hard to get compair to normal E36? A 1995 M3 5speed cabrioler cost 125k, is this price reasonable? What should I take note to check for this kind of rare car before any confirmation. thanks.
Caveat Emptor buddy. Bring along a good eye. Selling your E30 should you get an M3? On the differences, let's just say that the 3.0l is more economical to maintain and in real life, there is really very little difference in performance to justify the high maintenance cost of the 3.2l plus the flat torque curve is just not my cup of tea as a driver's car.
the M3 S50B30 3.0 is OBD I while the M3 EVO S52B32 is OBD II. there is more mod potential for the OBD I...

As for M parts, yes, there are MORE expensive compared to the non-M engines.. I remember seeing a clutch set for the M3 in one of the BMW part dealer, so I asked "how much ah?".. "cheap only, RM1500." :eek: :wacko:
The S50 is also highly rated in terms of reliability by owners in the UK ... while the VANOS equipped S52 did not fare too well. Also, found the 5 speed tranny on the S50 to be more direct and precise .... have heard that the 6 speed box on the S52 engined cars are somewhat notchy and not as precise - can't confirm that since I've not driven the latter.

And true to Fabs note .... BMW Car mag is using a S50 engined car as the base for their ongoing Ring Car project to take on the ol course at the Ring ...


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