E34 coil packs & fan clutch

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Jun 6, 2006
HI Gang..anyone here had coilpacks fail on them? What were the symptoms ? Also looking to mod the clutch fan to another model type..with more blades etc. Anyone can suggest something ? CheersDom
1. coil packs don't fail, unless major electrical jolt/low voltage-will cause it to short circuit internally, its normally the the rubber boot that wears and causes malfunction/short to body

2. you can have 20 blades fan clutch fan, your temp will still be a prolbem if its causing problem- its either your water pump-failing symptoms, or your thermostat near the water pump, another probable cause is the fan clutch failing

3. refence is based on the m50 engine, and to a certain extent the m20 engine
Hi Teejay...

Just completed o'haul - water pump metal type. thermostat new !

Had a coil pack fail on me once. The body cracked, shorted out and burnt my ECU.:( Cost me RM2+k to replace 6 coil packs and the ECU.

Symptoms? Misfiring, running on 5 cylinders only.
flash, may I know which part (2 or 3) of the coil pack craked on your case.
need to open up mine for inspection..hehe..takut jugak lah..Thanks.
cheaper to change part nos 3 first, mine had cracks and the engine did misfire here and there

suggest to change all 6 as these boots tend to crack with age

good luck
teejay, good to hear this part no 3 can be purchased separately..any idea how much each?

is true, just imagine how hot the "holes" where these boots are located, and furthermore the "holes" are almost in sealed condition!
Wan520i...I just changed the rubber suppresors today part no 3...no change in my irratic idling....RM33 @ Bavarian per pc....RM 36 @ Stuttgard per pc.


if you can please explain , if possible in detail, there could be possible solutions to your irratic idle

sometimes after changing all the parts, it could be a small hole in the manifold.....
Dom, in my case, the part 3 cracked spewing out the innards. Pretty messy.

And yes, I still have my erratic idling, which is occasional. Think it is my ICV since it idles smoothly most of the time except when the aircon cuts in and out. Gave up trying to rectify the idling, as long as the engine tak mati, sudahlah.:D
By irratic..I mean eng shaking / vibrating...rpm drops...sometimes when I start and switch on AC..engine mati. There's also hesitation when accelerating.

I checkd the manifold when it was out ? No cracks that I could see.

Y'day while changing the suppresors..I took out the t/body to clean..there was oil in the manifold. more like a 'puddle' ..idle valve was cleaned. the ICV can be cause for bad idling..I'm think more like cam or pulley sensor.

for a start you covered the basic possible irratic idle culprits
1. did you feel a difference after changing and cleaning the ICV and supressors?
2. are the same symptoms coming up again? -ones you mention above

further investigation
1. coil packs, these can be checking using a multimeter as they have resistance inside that will determine if they have shorted out

2. cam sensors and crank sensors - normally do not fail but may need alittle cleaning

3. MAF, could also send misaligned signal that can cause A/F mixture to be off

4. fuel pressure regulator - if you have to crank a long time in the mornings or when the car has been off for more then 8 hours or so, this could be it

5. spark plugs - use correct ratings, sometimes fouling can causing shortings

6. battery - very remote cases but do check if its time to change

for a start you covered the basic possible irratic idle culprits
1. did you feel a difference after changing and cleaning the ICV and supressors? - NO
2. are the same symptoms coming up again? -ones you mention above

further investigation
1. coil packs, these can be checking using a multimeter as they have resistance inside that will determine if they have shorted out-WILL HAVE A WIREMAN CHECK IT.

2. cam sensors and crank sensors - normally do not fail but may need alittle cleaning - DOUBT CLEANING WILL HELP - BUT WILL TRY

3. MAF, could also send misaligned signal that can cause A/F mixture to be off-SWAPPED OFF ANOTHER CAR STILL SAME PROB.

4. [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]fuel [COLOR=blue! important]pressure [/COLOR][COLOR=blue! important]regulator[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] - if you have to crank a long time in the mornings or when the car has been off for more then 8 hours or so, this could be it - NOW RUNNING 3 BAR- SAVING TO CHANGE TO ADJUSTABLE -FPR

5. spark plugs - use correct ratings, sometimes fouling can causing shortings-WHAT ARE THE GOOD PLUGS TO USE.?

6. battery - very remote cases but do check if its time to change- DOUBT THAT BATTER IS THE CAUSE FOR ROUGH IDLING.STARTING IS GREAT SOMETIMES.

Please let me know what else is possible.

Oh yeah, thanks TJ for reminding me of the fuel regulator. Yup, I do have hard starting after the car has rested for a few hours. But it usually starts ok immediately after shut down. Could be caused by leaking injectors too though. Not doing anything yet... awaiting something bigger....:D :D

your problem maybe abit more complicated as i think i covered all the basics and you have also covered them in a way

for spark plugs use factory specs ones, i can't recall but a competant mech would be able to findout

time to call in the Sri Vahegurus of M50...........pussy and AL
flash;228501 said:
Oh yeah, thanks TJ for reminding me of the fuel regulator. Yup, I do have hard starting after the car has rested for a few hours. But it usually starts ok immediately after shut down. Could be caused by leaking injectors too though. Not doing anything yet... awaiting something bigger....:D :D

there could be injector leaks due to worn O rings, but this would make your fuel consumption on the high side,

dont wait till something gets bigger, thats the mistake most owners make, if you do, your engine may leak fuel and your life will FLASH past you in a FLASH, just after you hear .....kaaboom:eek:
Dom... meet me up on this thursday TT... then i'll help...over on the forum can be hard to diagnos it..

no come, no gain

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