e30 m40 exhaust

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Club Guest
Oct 26, 2007
hi all. I've got a exhaust air leakage between manifold the the exhaust joint, try to change the gasket. but still got air leak. after checking, the exhaust shop guy said its a flange from the exhaust is damaged and not flat. so he ask me to find one. and now, im looking for the piece which between the manifold and the catconverter. View attachment 11053hope u guys understand wht i mean,
bro, go to sunway everco... they have and cheap... can pasang there also...
Or you can have mine, it from my E30m40 still very good condition, :rolleyes:
datsunnismo;460314 said:
hey thanks for ur reply. is't somewhere behin the sun inn hotel?

huh ? i wouldn't know this hotel... it's the same main road leading into the sunway workshops from the esso station.
hi bro pussy.... the hotel is near to the esso. i went to everco, but after they closed. will go there earlier soon.... :)

Hi bro anakin.... u got PM
managed to let mr david inspect my car. found the flange is ok. but there's a crack below 3 inches from the flange.
he try to weld it... but cnt fully due to its near to engine and the avaulabe space is not enought. so he suggest me tht he's gonna take out the downpipe from the manifold and weld it. will go there again soon...

many thanks bro PUSSY to intro the shop. :)

Don't mean to hijack this thread but since you guys are talking about Everco, do they do custom extractors there? For a BMW M10 engine.

Thanks a lot guys.
bro, i believe they the model, if not please pm me, i think someone has it..


sorry hijacking yr thread...
Previously my exhaust was broken at point A in the picture attached. It is right after the exhaust joint. So it got welded (cut point B, take out point A - B, weld point A and point B again) and after few months now I think it starting to sound like its gonna crack again soon.
I think somewhere at the exhaust joint there is a small leakage..

Before it get worse, im thinking to :

get a piece from point A to B ? is it possible?
or should I weld it again ?

any clubmembers can advise me ?

Many thanks in advance.

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