Dont speed-for your love ones!

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This is far cry from our usually lame government safety TV campaigns we have over here..

btw, looks like it's a compilation of various videos..
Although i ain't a street racer, this great insaf safety campaign Ad made me gather myself for minutes. Notice 3:08-3:18, buckled up do save lives... pls do so.
lost of life can even occur in a 60kmh accident. bottom line, be responsible when you drive.
mizhan;442908 said:
lost of life can even occur in a 60kmh accident. bottom line, be responsible when you drive.

yes, be alert too when u r behind the wheel.:top:
funfer_fahrer;442935 said:
If you think speed doesn't kill, think of a burst tyre.

That's the worst of the self-inflicted accidents. I've had a friend write-off a 911 doing barrel-flips on the NSE and a child's friend in a coma because of blowouts. And I still see that Freelander parked near my office with blowouts waiting to happen. Check and pump up your tyres!
Schwepps;442978 said:
That's the worst of the self-inflicted accidents. I've had a friend write-off a 911 doing barrel-flips on the NSE and a child's friend in a coma because of blowouts. And I still see that Freelander parked near my office with blowouts waiting to happen. Check and pump up your tyres!

got me thinking.. how much is safety compromised when installing used tyres, if at all.
I was on LDP moments ago, 8pm, traffic pretty okay. After Kelana Sea Food, there's a right curve. A slow Saga on the fast lane, I over take using the middle lane at about 20kph (at least :p) faster then the slow Saga. Half way passing, in the middle of the bend, the Saga suddenly sway towards me. I had to literally jump into the left most lane to make way for the Saga. Luckily no car or bike there... or else mampus!! *&^%$#@!!

Too many idiots on the road. Idiots hogging the fast lane (the Saga), idiots over taking from the left (me :p), idiots doing 80kph while others are all doing 50kph (me :p)... so the 80kph can be way too fast (I know :(). Vice versa, if all the traffic around u are doing 200kph, u will the driving dangerously if doing 100kph (never me :D)!! :eek: True? no? :rolleyes:
astroboy;443042 said:
I was on LDP moments ago, 8pm, traffic pretty okay. After Kelana Sea Food, there's a right curve. A slow Saga on the fast lane, I over take using the middle lane at about 20kph (at least :p) faster then the slow Saga. Half way passing, in the middle of the bend, the Saga suddenly sway towards me. I had to literally jump into the left most lane to make way for the Saga. Luckily no car or bike there... or else mampus!! *&^%$#@!!

Too many idiots on the road. Idiots hogging the fast lane (the Saga), idiots over taking from the left (me :p), idiots doing 80kph while others are all doing 50kph (me :p)... so the 80kph can be way too fast (I know :(). Vice versa, if all the traffic around u are doing 200kph, u will the driving dangerously if doing 100kph (never me :D)!! :eek: True? no? :rolleyes:

the way is see it...most malaysian driver drives slow, not focus (u'll see people drive with his mind on other place and starts wander lanes) on the highway. middle lane hog and right lane hog is a normal thing.
It was totally opposite in LA or Houston or UK ....they drive fast, alert and focus .....
Travel everyday using highway NSE (KL - Nilai), can see a lot of accident happen ( 2-3 case every week). Cause of accident tayar pancitlah, sleepy and many more bro.

So jgnlah pandu terlalu laju ye......
That's why some argued that Malaysia drivers are better drivers compared to European because we need to live with more idiots (not discounting me :p) on the road.. :p

In Europe, even the motorbikes does not squeeze in-between lanes. A car stops in front, the bike also stops. No such thing here.. :eek:
astroboy;443110 said:
That's why some argued that Malaysia drivers are better drivers compared to European because we need to live with more idiots (not discounting me :p) on the road.. :p

In Europe, even the motorbikes does not squeeze in-between lanes. A car stops in front, the bike also stops. No such thing here.. :eek:

just like the pic i attached was taken in perth ..this biker actually queuing at the traffic light infront...there are few more cars in front of cutting line to the front like our malaysian style bikers...all will cut q's and waited in the front lane at the traffic light.
The problem is not about driving, it's the mindset.... and made worse with lousy driving syllabus, not to mention drivers who passed without even taking tests. And also the lack of enforcement and the concept that the offenders can often 'buy' their way out when caught...

U want to train your driving alertness, should go at least to Ho Chi Minh to experience their way of driving... hahaha... As someone pointed out, traffic light is a suggestion. Cars and bikes can zigzag at a busy intersection. Everything on the road is a moving chicane. I would describe it as fishes swimming in the pond, they just move along with the flow. Want to overtake, just sound the honk..
astroboy;443110 said:
That's why some argued that Malaysia drivers are better drivers compared to European because we need to live with more idiots (not discounting me :p) on the road.. :p

In Europe, even the motorbikes does not squeeze in-between lanes. A car stops in front, the bike also stops. No such thing here.. :eek:

On the contrary bro, our drivers and bikers rank with the worst in the world. The best drivers are North American and European drivers. However I notice a slight improvement in our drivers in the last few years, but not our bikers.
astroboy;443042 said:
Too many idiots on the road. Idiots hogging the fast lane (the Saga), idiots over taking from the left (me :p), idiots doing 80kph while others are all doing 50kph (me :p)... so the 80kph can be way too fast (I know :(). Vice versa, if all the traffic around u are doing 200kph, u will the driving dangerously if doing 100kph (never me :D)!! :eek: True? no? :rolleyes:

I agree. There are too many idiots hogging the fast lane. I get so friggin angry when I'm rushing to someplace that I want to run them into the drains. These are the main reasons why a fast driver becomes a dangerous driver.

Commenting on the system, I've come across a penalty system in Switzerland for errant drivers. A driver is hauled over for speeding & then summoned to court. The court then decides to impose a monetary penalty with these factors in view:

- speed exceeding the limit
- annual income before taxes
- previous blemishes

Interesting scheme. If something similar is imposed here, most of us here would definitely become bankrupt:)
this one was taken during rush hour ....i hardly see any car switching lanes like we see here in kl...they'll keep to their lane eventho its jammed.
i got a goose bump when i first drive on their highways....very2 fast those american...
Having driven extensively in the US and UK I have to say there are plenty of stupid drivers there as well. Things like lane discipline, reasonable speed, and enforcement of traffic laws are generally better though. And usually (not always) more courtesy.

Sometimes maybe a little too much :wink: in UK have seen 4-5 cars merging into a single lane to queue and go one at a time through an empty massive roundabout with 4 entry lanes. And when my Scottish friend was visiting and driving my car he got stuck at the notorious Cempaka-Pandan Jaya entry to MRR2 cause instead of taking turns like they would back home everyone kept bullying their way past him! :eek:
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