Hi all,Quick tip, if after you disconnect and reconnect the radio, it shows DISABLED and AUTO-OFF itself after 20mins or so, this could be Fuse #7 being shorted due to sudden surge (hence always good to disconnect car battery prior to doing any work on the car). Had made a AUX cable for my HU but unfortunately my model doesn't have the AUX functionality. So after numerous disconnect and reconnect, HU showed DISABLED and does not go on standby when off with ignition on. Read online it was fuse #7. Changed it and now voila back to working mode. Even with fuse shorted the HU still works coz it takes current signals from 2 locations, one direct live from batt and the other from the ignition. Fuse #7 is from ignition. Simple fix although me and AnakSarawak went thru NCS Expert / INPA for a solution, when the it was all along back to basics hahaha..btw, the radio no need any decoding / setting or what not....Thanks jarance for the headsup