CYCLONE 3 in my E34

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Club Guest
Mar 14, 2005
HiI was at the accessories shop and the sale man gave me a Cyclone 3 to trial for free for a week. Without believing that it would work at all I just gave it a shot since my 520i is as good as dead slow.In the fourth day of running, my E34 has become very responsive and fun to drive; in fact the low end torque is getting near to my E39 523. Now I can get from 100km/h to 140 in seconds making manoeuvring at high speed a lot easier than before. The one in my car is the same as this I don’t understand how this small piece of metal can increase the power of a car. However, I did some reading and found that this is particularly effective on old and inefficient car. Which means trying to put this into an E60 or other newer model may yield no noticeable result. Now I have started to love this little beauty but I believe that the sale man is ripping me off trying to sell that to me at RM260. Some advertisement in the Motor Trader is only selling for RM98 and buying direct from the US for a similar item cost only US$35 + US$9 shipping totalling only RM140. I intend to place a few more in my E34 hoping to gain further improvement but not with that RM260 per piece price tag. Has anyone tried this or the RM99 Cyclone as advertised in the Motortrader?
mind doing a dyno test and a fuel consumption test ?

it would help us to understand better about the product..

hehehe.. might consider it's worth ...
I think another similar product would be the Surbo (act like a mini turbo).
Do let us know more about this product, might be useful for my lil M43 which is always underpowered :)

pussy;305984 said:
mind doing a dyno test and a fuel consumption test ?

it would help us to understand better about the product..

hehehe.. might consider it's worth ...

I would love to, how and where can I do it?
Russie;305992 said:
I think another similar product would be the Surbo (act like a mini turbo).
Do let us know more about this product, might be useful for my lil M43 which is always underpowered :)

Since there is a one week trial, I'm going to try putting on the second Cyclone 3 to see if there is any further improvement. Will update you all later.
i'm still supraise these stuff are still in the market with my first hearing of cyclone some 15 years ago. I generally do not believe in them, but i do not doubt your experience because i personally have never tried them. However because we live in an age of science and technology plus our general and increasing urge to find reasonings behind experience on what we hear, see and feel, I find the statements claimed by manufacturer of such devices are rediculous to most extend.

I dont see the benefit of such product located before the throttle body. Air is an element like water that can be manipulated with ease. What ever vortex generated by the device will be cancelled by the throlle body flaps. I guess this is why car manufacturers do into great lengths in improving designs are the cylinder head and the intake manifolds. Eg. Cylinder heads that swirls air, Variable intake manifolds, tumble flaps, etc. all to improve air/fuel mixture which in turns improve efficiency of the engine

But none has been seen before the throttle bodies, other then optimising diameter for velocity flow and designing resonance box (a separate theory on effects of sound frequncy and pulsation effects of a 4 stroke engine).

Based on what i know (lacking in most areas), the most like benefit would be to have this cyclone thingy placed after the throttle body, which i dont think its possible.

It is just claims like 20bhp gain and quieter idle with hybrid like consumption just turns me off. Plus, the test done are very subjective unless they follow ISO/SAE/ASME standards of some sort.

But if you do a dyno, make sure it done on the same dyno, on the same day with proper compensation settings with runs without the cyclone and runs with it.
peckchoonheng;306108 said:
I would love to, how and where can I do it?

if you haven't done your dyno try at millenium auto in Sunway PJS. cost you 100ringgit for 3 cycle.
It the thing does work as well as it advertised, wonder why no any car manufacturer use it.

With fuel price rising everyday, it will be a turn-head advertisement for any car manufacturer to increase their car power/fuel mileage with just $99.
it does work to a certain extent...swirling of air flow increase the effective speed provided the angle of flow is worked out correctly... Just like they design the gun barrel to spin the bullet as it go thru the barrel.. And how the feather on the arrow spins the arrow as it go thru the air...

Why the manufacturer do not use them.. Bcos they want to avoid the liability if the device breaks.. Imagine they sell cars in the hundreds of thousands.. even if there's 1 percent failure, that's a lot of cars affected... Less components, less headaches...

However, I'm not saying it's a good product just that it does work to a certain extent . Just a matter of whether it's worth the money for a seemingly simple device...
All the "swirling" created by Cyclone will be gone when it enter combustion chamber.
No, it doesn't work to certain extent. It just create more turbulence, and bottleneck for airflow.

Temperature & Pressure are fixed. To get more flow, is all about Volume(density) and Velocity.

With advanced technology today, I am sure most engineers can overcome the "device can breaks" issue.
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