Clueless Newcomer

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Aug 10, 2012
Hi all,I recently got my E90, 320i (M), exactly 3 weeks ago to be precise. Have been enjoying the car ever since. I pressumed that I've bought the last batch of the E90. Got it at a discounted rate since it was pre-registered. I've chosen alpine white exterior since I thought that it would looked brand new, but now I realised how hard it is to keep it looking clean. Been reading posts by 'kc' and others on how to take care of the exterior. Found some really helpful tips. Looking forward to get more tips & tricks and gain more knowledge from this forum.Thanks.p/s: suffered my first stone chip last week. #arghhh, #pullhair, #crylikebaby
Congrats on ur new ride . Drive it more to discover the whole.

U must be 'cucuking' a lot , thats why u got many stone chips. LOL ..

cheers :)
First thing get your head lights 3M wrapped!!! Call Calvin of Eurotuner 012 377 2295
shiva73;763996 said:
Congrats on ur new ride . Drive it more to discover the whole.

U must be 'cucuking' a lot , thats why u got many stone chips. LOL ..

cheers :)

thx for d wish. definitely will drive it more for d full experience.
as for the stone chip, i wasn't lucky since i was behind a small truck when it happened, was not 'cucuking' though.. LOL..
docrayboy;764006 said:
First thing get your head lights 3M wrapped!!! Call Calvin of Eurotuner 012 377 2295

thx for the info. will contact Calvin, maybe after Hari Raya. thx again.
JFT63;764078 said:
Welcome bro....i still prefer white than black....

thx 4 d welcome. me oso will always prefer white.. just need to put extra effort to keep it clean.
welcome there.
just curious whether the (M) refers to M-sport or Manual? :-D
By the way,i have resigned from stonechips,due to my highway travels every week..
You are not alone..
namidub;764374 said:
welcome there.
just curious whether the (M) refers to M-sport or Manual? :-D
By the way,i have resigned from stonechips,due to my highway travels every week..
You are not alone..

(M) = m-sports, malaysia.. huhuhu..
so, can we agree that stonechips are our worst enemy, on hiways..?
tIANcI;764395 said:
Wash twice a week ... then will look decent. Hehehehehee ...
Wash off the dead bugs is one thing.
Stonechips banyak sakit hati.wash also cannot.
tIANcI;764395 said:
Wash twice a week ... then will look decent. Hehehehehee ...

thx for tip.. have to agree with u.. i've washed her once a week, for the past month, still can see lots of dusts/splash marks everywhere, when it's time for washing.

maybe need to double the effort, make it twice a week.. maybe after puasa la.. kenot tahan la, washing car during puasa, feels like drinking the water from the tap.. hehe..
namidub;764399 said:
Wash off the dead bugs is one thing.
Stonechips banyak sakit hati.wash also cannot.

ya lor.. stone chips very sakit hati.. mine was very the sakit hati, the car was only 2 weeks old when i got the first chip..

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