Car Paint Damaged by Monthly KL-Raub-Cameron Highlands-KL Drive car's sticker

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2009
Hi guys,The car sticker (Marshall's sticker) after being removed left a large spot of adhesive substance (glue) on my driver's door panel. Though the glue has been removed using wax polish, the glue must have some form of chemical as it also removed the lacquer of my paint. Damn it!! Now must call KC to the rescue.
Oh gosh, serious? Herbert, have you tried Goo Gone? Read rave reviews about it on US websites for removal of emblems, I bought a small bottle from ACE last week but have yet to try it out. Perhaps you can give it a shot?
Herbert, sorry to hear that. I didn't dare stick to the door cause of our heat.
Hope u can restore the paintwork asap.
aikk..normally it doesnt happen and its best to use some soap water to stick the sticker.. Sorry to hear about your misfortune Herbert.
herbert...can take a picture of the effected area ar?

when you remove the sticker did you pull it off at 45 degree angle? if you pull it off when both ends almost meet then chances are you will separate the adhesive part and this would happen...

few possibilities;

- sticker is stick on painted surface that has stone chip.
- if the car is repainted then there could be micro crack or the adhesion between the base coat and clear coat is not strong enough...

sorry to hear about this...
Guys, thanks for all your suggestions. KC is coming over tomorrow or Friday and see what he can do. Also just came back from paint shop and if KC can't do much about it, then need to re-spray whole door.

Guess the glue from the sticker must have bonded with lacquer/paint with high temp over Sunday, Monday & Tuesday.
sorry to heard that bro....
neway which is yours....
couldn't recall as being older nowadays....
Lesson to be learned ...

- don't make stickers which are too sticky;

- preferably find location on glass to stick.
sorry to hear that bro, what i am thinking that a putting a thick fresh layer of wax right b4 sticking on the paintwork would help?
This way, the adhesion level will likely be minimised and paint-friendly too?
midship;628871 said:
Lesson to be learned ...

- don't make stickers which are too sticky;

- preferably find location on glass to stick.

or you can use painter's tape (blue) to seal around the sticker (w/o peeling off the base) onto the body instead of sticking that 'sticker' which is too good in quality...
i used to spread some wax, leave it dry before placing sticker on it. it was easy to peel off the sticker & protect my paint. maybe this recipe can be used in the future :)
Sorry to hear that bro Herbert...hope that ur car can be as good as before soon
Sorry to hear that Herbert. Maybe she needs your TLC more :) Anyway it's a free lesson to all of us, everyday is simply a new discovery. If the Master cant do it, looks like only way is to re-spray emmm troublesome..
never a good idea to leave the stickers on for long...
Another way to tear of the backing paper round the perimeter (leave about 1 inch width of sticker) and leave the center sticker-less.. It'll still stick to the surface but not the full surface...

Applying a thin layer of wax oso good to prevent sticker damage.

But best is to remove them as soon as it is not needed. our tropical heat can do 'wonders' to chemistry reaction..
sir herbert ...ya car wants an upgrade from an e39 to M5 e60 ...stickerless...
ICEMAN 13;629274 said:
sir herbert ...ya car wants an upgrade from an e39 to M5 e60 ...stickerless...

Thanks Iceman13 for the good suggeston. Actually the M6 coupe advertised in for RM369k is a better buy than M5 e60 but unfortunately the roadtax is just too taxing.
...another way is to peel the sticker and paste onto your shirt or pants and peel off, do this a few times until u feel that its not so sticky, this way it will not be too sticky. Use wd40 if there is remnants of the glue left behind.
I only just removed the sticker yesterday and there was no issue.
Herbert it's just a sign that your car needs a new layer of paint, over the years with the polishing your lacquer has thinned out already.
XXX;629502 said:
...another way is to peel the sticker and paste onto your shirt or pants and peel off, do this a few times until u feel that its not so sticky, this way it will not be too sticky. Use wd40 if there is remnants of the glue left behind.
I only just removed the sticker yesterday and there was no issue.
Herbert it's just a sign that your car needs a new layer of paint, over the years with the polishing your lacquer has thinned out already.

Another way is put the sticker on the shirts or pants instead of the car like what you have done..:4:
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