BOTAK and why ??

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Dec 4, 2004
just wanting to know how many of you guys here have done it ...yup shave ya head bold... for those who are naturally bold too please share your joy offense to anyone ,it's just to know !!as for me i had to be bold due to ticks ...during my primary school days ..
I am not practising 'botak' yet, just ask for number one (the shortest level for hair trimming) each time i go to barber every three week. Dont hv courage to do botak yet.
planning to cut botak next year. hair getting to long below shoulder by 8 inch and gugur banyak kat center. maybe dah tua punya pasal.
when i was in uni.. people call me botak... never keep my hair longer than 0.1 cm... until now, my frens still call me botak.. its like a trademark
first time when i did umrah on yr 2000
2nd time dun remember, my hair too long below shoulder so instead of potong pendek like budak skema..i skinhead terus!
easy to maintain..

no need to worry about your hair when u drive very fast with the window down..hehe
I am sporting the "botak" style for the past 6 months. Why? I guess because I wanted to have a change :p
:D got pics???


-> botak competition.... :D :D **lari kuat kuat**
wah..... ISP from bukit aman ka? heeheheh...

Ah Lian... since u forum cuteness inspector.. must ikut also la... shave botak!!!!! ;)

Botak? .. shave and take a bath early morning.. u'll know how it feels when the water straight flows to ur skinhead .. =)
I started going 'botak' since 3 years ago. I shave my head every 2 months. Why ? Because I like it. Malaysia is so hot and I don't have aircond in my house so I like the cooling effect especially when I sleep at night. Yeah sure...sometime ppl looking at me but who long as I'm happy with it.

Anyway...some of the side effects of shaving your hair is that your hair will start to grow back quicker.

Why am I botak? Because my testetorone level is high. And also my botak head acts as a solar panel for my love machine.
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