Boost Pressure Too High - 335i

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Dear 335/Turbo sifus,Need Your Help/Advice.For The Past 2 Week, my 335 has been parked stationary with only driven 1 or 2days. After 2 weeks gone, i was starting to actively driving it until the engine warning light came up when i accelerated at 3000 rpm with a message " boost pressure too high, reduced power suspected".Did a diagnose and physical check on the engine and turbo area but nothing faulty detected on saturday. Retrieved the car with a view to monitor it for the next fewvdays. Today, driven a car climbing up genting and while climbing up the same warning message as above came up again when accerating it hard but after reset, the message gone. Appreciate anyone out there had faced the same fault and what supposed to be done.?Appreciate your feedback?
Bro hakim...tq for the note... Done that but could not find any...but thorough checking will be done if the warning comes up again...thanx again
Bro SF, try to check the actuator. My previous turbo ride has similar issue due to actuator.
What code is it throwing? It could be a the boost presure sensor.
Bro cosmo...not sure what do u mean by code above my the warning sign of engine faulty with a message " boost pressure too high, reduced power suspected" displayed on OBD but physically i can still revvvv the car up to 140 km/h n above...not sure what has gone no such error message appeared yet...anyway thanx
Daniel E30;804193 said:
SF, need to go to ya regular mech to diagnose it. The codes will tell you...

Unker Dan,

Ohh i know what it means ...done 3 diagnose ever since kena this...its already told what has gone wrong but further physical check to the turbo area and hose found nothing wrong....the faulty message already up for 3 times but it will disappear once i off/on the engine.....anyway thanx
Maybe u can list what mods u have, piggyback, dps etc, type of fuel 95/97.
Agreed with Hakim.

Chances are there is a leak, quite common for turbo charged cars. Its called boost creep. The culprit is usually the vacuum hose.
rx8;804213 said:
Maybe u can list what mods u have, piggyback, dps etc, type of fuel 95/97.

Bro RX8,

None of mods of what u stated is applicable except i am on ron car still stock....only changed my ARB to H&R and bushing replaced with performance bushing....hehehe...the rest still stock...cannot keep with yours bro
ALBundy;804218 said:
Agreed with Hakim.

Chances are there is a leak, quite common for turbo charged cars. Its called boost creep. The culprit is usually the vacuum hose.

Thanx sifu albundy...will certainly keep an eye on that....the hose already been checked physically but could not find any leak yet...
Call my mechanic stanley. Tell him u r my friend (KC). His no 012 3539066. He shd b able to pinpoint yr problem, no obligation n FOC.
rx8;804228 said:
Call my mechanic stanley. Tell him u r my friend (KC). His no 012 3539066. He shd b able to pinpoint yr problem, no obligation n FOC.

Thanx bro...if the problem still persist ...i will get in touch with him....
When diagnose, is there any message stated that.... turbine is too small, must upgrade to bigger siput sedut for bigger boobs ooopps boost I mean.
initialM;805825 said:
When diagnose, is there any message stated that.... turbine is too small, must upgrade to bigger siput sedut for bigger boobs ooopps boost I mean.

Hahaha bro...current siput sedut not big and horny enuff i cater for bootsbs...huhuhu
Update: after 3 times faulty code, the problem just disappeared like that....was on MEX at 230km/h and also high rpm on a long stretch but nothing came out from OBD...weirdo...anyway thank god....
soulfood;806603 said:
....was on MEX at 230km/h and also high rpm on a long stretch but nothing came out from OBD...weirdo...

Woo... Soulfood has indeed become FastFood!!..:vroam:

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