BMW F1 Pit Lounge Party 2008

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Wow.....looks like everybody had a stonking good time.

BMW CM really getting more happening......Good stuff. :)
Sophia is GREAT!! :love:

Don lagi GREEEAAT!!!! for sharing so much wonderful shots with us.. :top:
ok , time out guys.. time to load more photos into photo bucket. Hope you guys are enjoying the shots.

Great party, were all you guy invited for the party?

and Don, cool 'hmmm, hmmm, hmmm' themed-shots:biggrin:
Glad all of you enjoyed the photos. I gotta run now for an appointment. Will post more photos in da evening.

Zaidatul Aini;306275 said:
Of coz he's a man...
Nway...nice shot dude...but plz correct da title ok...:rock: :top:

of course we know he's a man but u can see at the pics taken all the man sometime can change wat when they r not sober hehehehe cabuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttzzzzzzzzzz
hey Don... great shots dude!!! keep up the gud work mannn.....

p/s: don reveiled the uncut version of my photos...hahahaha!!! cheeersss....
Awesome pic Don!!! :77: Keep on comin' bro. Tha party was superb!!!!!! :rock: Hell yeahhhh!!!! :19:
the cat turning into a lion...



aiyah.. no fur also!

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