BMW club malaysia

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Club Guest
Oct 1, 2006
hello, Son of Lamoo here,I have been asked by one of my lecturers at HELP college to start a car club of my own.I was wondering how this car club started because i am trying to start a car club of my own at HELP university college. I just wanna know how do you guys organize events, gatherings, and outings. How do you select committee members, how much are the membership fees and so on so forth.Thank you very much.
I guess same like any other societies or clubs.
Have an interim or founding committee members ... once you have enough members then have an erection ... sorry ... election...
Fisrt you find 5 Friends

1st Friend father is Filthy Rich got alot of connection wan
2nd Friend father in Advertising
3rd Friend father in Event Management
4th Friend father who deals with the press
5th Friend father is a MP

Get them all together and form a committee, after that get the fathers to do the work..hope this helps...hehehe..

Nolah, actually first you find a group of same minded people who are interested in cars this can be your committee for the start, discuss among yourselves which direction you want to go, whether its a single brand/model car club or rojak. After that discuss how much you want to charge membership, if you are going to give out member goodie bags then youll need to know the cost of the goodies that you want to give so you can put it into the cost of membership fees. Discuss how much as regisrtration and annual fees.

Organising events

Is basically like planning a party..Im sure you know how to do that..

As for drives

Its also like planning a party...only difference, this party is abt driving to somewhere..

Cheers for now..
XXX;325248 said:
Fisrt you find 5 Friends

1st Friend father is Filthy Rich got alot of connection wan
2nd Friend father in Advertising
3rd Friend father in Event Management
4th Friend father who deals with the press
5th Friend father is a MP

Get them all together and form a committee, after that get the fathers to do the work..hope this helps...hehehe..

Dunno much about forming clubs either but I like the above explanation !!
Must first look at objective.. to make money? to.... what else? :rolleyes:

Once u have the objective, then look around u and see if u can find any like minded person that's passionate enough and willing to work for u for free.. :D or in exchange of something he/she wants. If u find this person, congratulation! u are almost done! Or else, you have to do it yourself.

Ask your lecturer, there's so many car clubs around, why can't u just join them, lobby for vote, become their president and convert them to whatever your objectives are... hear of reverse take over before? Like how IBM penetrated Lenovo in the China PC/server market. Rather than create another one and compete for the limited resources around.. :rolleyes:

Reinventing wheels is not a smart move u know... :D
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