Bmw autoshow bazar rakyat 28

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remember registration start 9am to 12noon.
make sure you car is clean...unless u mau menang itu ugly car category
bmwclubmalaysia xde hantar org ke masuk this contest?
cmom guys bimerianz antr 30 kete bro..xkn bmwclubmalaysia xde kot...he3
Boss, tolong bagi direction sikit to the mentioned location, just in case I can drop by.

Just to clarify, the fee is for everybody or for those participating in the pertandingan saja?
It was a good, well organized event.. catched up with a lot of friends...

Good work Mandonna...
man, sorry tak datang semalam.. letih lepas balik dari kluang. post la gambar2 event..
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