Attention all Swift Sports Owner and Buyers On Misleading Ad by Suzuki!

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Club Guest
Nov 27, 2007
To all Suzuki Swift Sport (SSS) owners and buyers to be. I had a bad encounter with Suzuki Malaysia about SSS pricing.The Official Ad of SSS (attached) published in May EVO Malaysia Magazine states the SSS that comes with a 1.6 VVTi engine (manual or automatic), fully imported from Japan for only RM94,888 OTR * without insurance.From the ad, consumer can assume that there is no price difference between the manual or auto, as the ad didn't state so. So I rang up the sales guy and wanted an auto. The price shot up to RM99,888 OTR without insurance. I got furious and complained that to Suzuki Malaysia. Instead of admitting that they made a mistake in their ad, they say: Oh! You should just call up and ask, cannot use the ad against them! To further defend themselves, they said: Oh! Do you know the Premier and Recaro seats costs extra too you know. At Suzuki, we don't give discount.What? Then what's the point of an ad? I am not asking for Recaro or discount, I am asking them to sell at their advertised price.This is misleading the public! To all SSS auto buyers, please take note of this before putting in your deposit.
Suzuki ppl all like to Bullsh*t la....

I bought my Suzie that time also same what...promise 2 weeks delivery...then delay up to 6 weeks...knn...
So the Rm94,888 swift sport does not include recaro seat? What else has been stripped? I dont mind getting a manual but I need to know what else has been removed.. how about sport rim?
The problem with Malaysian advertising is that there's no watchdog to keep tabs on all this adverts. If this were to happen overseas like say in Australia or USA, the advertiser would be hauled to court in a matter of days.
The Malaysian SSS does not come with Recaro... but look-a-like seat.. available in only 2 colors, yellow and white. Why would anyone interested in auto? I guess that's the reason why they put up the manual price... they should put "start from: XX,XXX" then, more appropriate.

The first time I saw the real car was at a road show at one of the shopping center.. in white, totally breath taking! The sales girl say all in RM10Xk.. I thought was pretty reasonably priced for a 1.6L CBU track-ready car.

While shopping around for a car last year, I did inquired the SSS because I felt its totally cool especially the manual one is less than RM100k!! Can gun down a 118i on track, 0-100kph and top speed!

Talk about mis-leading ads? Plenty!
Malaysian SSS do have the Recaro option. Whoever take this option will lose the side airbags, however.
lyjg1115;374905 said:
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crap man wtf is this
blowoff8;381669 said:
suzuki out ....WRC 2009

suzuki not so bad, even worse. the company that sells its cars solely based on the fact that it is highly affiliated to rallying, subaru, has quitted wrc. i wonder how sre the pr people going to publicise the car. we quitted the wrc because the impreza sti will dominate too much of wrc
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