Anyone up for breakfast run to Kluang RailCoffee? [27-02-10]

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Founding Member
Nov 25, 2004
Was talking about it with Mizhan over the roti bakar breakfast in Penang. Leave Dengkil R&R at 6AM, pick up others at S'ban R&R at 6:30AM. Continue run to Kluang. Maybe pick up the M'ccan along the way... Reach Kluang exit before 8AM... Convoy to the ORIGINAL Kluang Railway station canteen. have breakfast. Activities after breakfast, is open to ideas. but the aim is to be back by 12 noon.. We can explore the trunk roads from Kluang back to KL. If we don't expect lots from our 'lazy to wake up early' members, will open up to 'run' with other car clubs.. ie Cub Audi Malaysia, Italia Auto..
6am?!! We can almost make it back home before wife wakes up.. sounds like a plan.. :D
wah the original kluang station?? i didn't know railway station canteen also so laku until i saw the branch open in 1U. fabes, what date you looking at??

btw, is the food nice at the station? i cant remmeber the last time i went to kluang, maybe never?? or too young to remember. hehe, what to do, i'm only 21 yrs old.
After CNY loh.. Now see if there are 'runners' willing to wake up that early to take advantage of the cool fresh morning air... And try to run as much as possible before the coppers start warming up their tools..
Ohhhhh this bring back memories.
My late grandfather was the station master of Kluang railway station until he retired.
I was raised in Kluang till the age of 14 and I would say none of them staying in Kluang hadn't been to the canteen for roti bakar. Their mee-siam and nasi lemak is very good too. You need to go damn early else you're gonna stand there waiting cause the place is small, and if you're damn lateeeee they will tell you roti habis laaa. Best part is if you're lucky you can eat and watch the train stops, horn and depart, like what, 5 meters away from where you're sitting?
wow..fabulous plan..I'm in..!!depending on the date though!
fabianyee;490025 said:
Was talking about it with Mizhan over the roti bakar breakfast in Penang.

Leave Dengkil R&R at 6AM, pick up others at S'ban R&R at 6:30AM. Continue run to Kluang. Maybe pick up the M'ccan along the way... Reach Kluang exit before 8AM...

Convoy to the ORIGINAL Kluang Railway station canteen. have breakfast.

Activities after breakfast, is open to ideas. but the aim is to be back by 12 noon.. We can explore the trunk roads from Kluang back to KL.

If we don't expect lots from our 'lazy to wake up early' members, will open up to 'run' with other car clubs.. ie Cub Audi Malaysia, Italia Auto..

i like this one.....the earlier the better, my car needs to stretch its legs :top:
actually KK pun ok too....
Sounds good. I've wanted to try the roti bakar there for years... once I came up with the idea to take the KTM train there just to makan at the station.. my then GF (who's from Kluang) shot my idea down by reminding me how SLOW our trains are.

Depends on the date though. Also as I am a tortoise, I may have to start off a bit earlier than the rest of the group...
maybe do a like the Fifth gearissue... some guys take the train, some the car.. see who reach first ?

good idea ?? so we have the tortoise and the fast hair group also in ?

tortoise sit in the train.. hehehe
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