Advise on E36 318i auto to manual conversion

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Club Guest
Feb 27, 2007
hi all,it's me thinking of change my current auto transmission to a manual set,tis is becoz it's lack of power & im affraid couldn't affort to pay for engine conversion since i know there is a lot of our member here would like to racun me... heheok,back to the topic.1)wat i need for tis kinda conversion?2)any batch or diff manufacturer for my M40 318?if yes which is better or reliable?3)how much (roughly)?4)any recommended workshop?im living at Kepong.thanks for viewing & hope sifu here could give me a hand on tis..
bro.. find a half car, much better.. then can convert to manual.. price for manual M42 e36 is about 6.5k.. then labour install is about 2.5k...
pussy;251820 said:
bro.. find a half car, much better.. then can convert to manual.. price for manual M42 e36 is about 6.5k.. then labour install is about 2.5k...

1800cc same as mine M40 & only 20hp gained...9k for 20hp worth?sure it's response will be much better than mine auto g/box but i wonder how much for juz change a gearbox?
everyone is looking for a manual set-up.. depends if you can get it loose..

pm zoggee.. he might help you..
5115;251841 said:
1800cc same as mine M40 & only 20hp gained...9k for 20hp worth?sure it's response will be much better than mine auto g/box but i wonder how much for juz change a gearbox?

On manual you'll be smiling all the way to redline:rock:
initialM;251869 said:
On manual you'll be smiling all the way to redline:rock:

smiling ar? not sure will smile or not but sure it won't be too disappointed...

u got M40 manual?mind to gimme a ride? :burnout:
1)wat i need for tis kinda conversion?
Pls refer link below may help .......

2)any batch or diff manufacturer for my M40 318?if yes which is better or reliable?
-basicaly u can use 318 M40,M43 & M42 manual gearbox kit ......Its plug and play wit ur car ................U can use the M50 manual gearbox but the longshaft,rear axle and driveshaft will be diff ......

3)how much (roughly)?
-RM6K-6.6K icd labour

4)any recommended workshop?im living at Kepong.
-Not familiar wit ur area mech at Kuchai Lama ....

Good luck ...............
Manual conversion sifu has spoken:rock:

P/S: Lionel is the man u lookin for

For a test drive, you may contact Venom, Vincent, or even Lionel for test drive...

You will be feeling like mad man and cant sleep as you be dreaming of the power of the car! hahahha

I sudah kena racun but lucky my everyday drive require auto... too many jam in KL.
If you are an auto guy, stick to it. Me? i have been a manual guy all my life, so manual it is!!!!
im driving a e36 328 manual, and it rocks!!!!! but for the price of 6k+ mmm.. thats something to think about,
pick up is really good with a manual, as i have compared my car with an auto, but in terms of long lun, and when u hit the 5th gear, i dont think it makes a difference...

plz correct me if im wrong
i wonder rear diff figure lower better or higher better?

lower figure for top speed or the other way?
hi all....

newbie here....

i thinking of buying E36,
and i not auto guy... i prefer manual
and i saw some pretty interesting offer

just like to ask opinion here,
is it good to buy an auto e36 and convert to manual
or go for a manual one

because i saw some pretty interesting offer that can get the car around 28k,
with full service record.. and stated 1 owner somemore...

so asking sifu opinion here

bmw e36 318i `92 manual convert m3 3.0

sam1741;354540 said:
hi all....

newbie here....

i thinking of buying E36,
and i not auto guy... i prefer manual
and i saw some pretty interesting offer

just like to ask opinion here,
is it good to buy an auto e36 and convert to manual
or go for a manual one

because i saw some pretty interesting offer that can get the car around 28k,
with full service record.. and stated 1 owner somemore...

so asking sifu opinion here


e36 318i Sedan
s50b30 engine...europe spec
286bhp 320Nm....
5 speed manual, close ratio gearbox
320mm M3 brake,M3 trialing arm.
3.15 S LSD
supersprint exthaust...
Vader seat...
initialM;251869 said:
On manual you'll be smiling all the way to redline:rock:

auto cannot go to redline?

the auto will improved respondsive when the
weight reduced to optimal weight,
JOKER;431482 said:
auto cannot go to redline?

the auto will improved respondsive when the
weight reduced to optimal weight,

That's not what I mean bro. At least manual rev faster. Myself I prefer tiptronic.
Another thing manual is more robust compare to auto.
Missed out on the e36 coupe 328 manual just a few weeks back. Called the owner and it was sold.
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